Chapter Nine

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“Jack! Holly! Get in here now!” Alex yelled from the living room.

I guiltily jumped away from Jack and he sighed. “You asshole! What do you want?” he shouted at the wall.

“Holly’s phone is ringing and we don’t want to answer it.” said Zack. They had both stopped playing.

I looked at Jack and he groaned and walked toward the living room. I scurried behind, trying to keep up.  My phone was lying on the coffee table. It was vibrating and Alex and Zack were staring at it. I picked it up and answered. It was Kim.

“Hey Holly!” she sang into the phone.

“Hi.” I muttered. Kim was a very happy person and I wasn’t really.

“Do you know what day it is?” she asked cheerily.

“Yes, I know what day it is.” I said walking out into the hallway. Jack followed close behind me.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. YOU LOOK LIKE A MONKEY AND YOU SMELL LIKE ONE TOO!” she screamed down the phone. I took the phone away from my ear. Kim was so loud that even Jack could hear her and he stared at me, mouth open.

“Thanks Kim. Really.” I tried to smile but I couldn’t.

“So, where are you? Are you at Patricks and Juliet’s?”

“No, no. I’m not there. Don’t go there Kim. Okay?”

“Okay. So do you want to go into the city? 2 o clock?” she asked.

Jack was still in the hallway with me. I had money and I needed to buy new clothes.

“Sure. I’ll text you.” I said.

“Okay babycheeks. Bye!” she said and hung up the phone.

I sank down onto one of the stairs. “You heard that eh?” I asked Jack.

“It’s your birthday? You didn’t tell me?” he asked looking hurt.

“Yeah, but I didn’t even think about it. I don’t really celebrate my birthday. It’s no big-”

Before I could finish my sentence, Jack grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder and ran into the living room, where Alex and Zack had started playing again.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HOLLY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” Jack screamed running around the living room still carrying me. I slapped at his back and he put me down again. I stood awkwardly in front of the guys. Jack picked up his own guitar and slung it over his back.

“Do you want to get dressed? Your suitcase is in the hallway upstairs. Get changed in the bathroom, second door on the right.” Jack said, taking a pick from the box. I nodded and left the living room. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw my suitcase and slipped into the bathroom. I digged through my clothes and found my wallet. It looked a lot thicker than it had before. I opened it and a few 100 dollar notes fell out. There must have been at least $500. Who put that in my wallet? I dressed quickly and put my suitcase back in the hallway. Stuffing my wallet in my pocket, I walked to the stairs.

Downstairs, Jack and Alex had started to play another song they were working on. Zack had gone for a shower and Rian was walking up the stairs. As he walked past me, he smiled brightly.

“I won’t tell anyone.” He laughed as he walked past.  I turned around

“What?” I asked, confused.

“You and Jack. The dining room is across from the kitchen. I was on the computer in there.”

I clapped my hands over my mouth. I must have blushed alot because Rian smiled again. “I saw nothing.” He said holding up his hands and walked away.

I went back to the living room and sat on the sofa again. Jack and Alex were laughing about something as they played another song. Alex still hadn’t gotten dressed and Jack was wearing wrinkled clothes that he had most likely thrown on.

“Hey aren’t you meeting up with your friend? Whats her name? Tim?” he asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t know how to get there from here. It’s Kim.” I said stretching my legs out in front of me.

“Oops, not good with names.” That was a lie, he knew my second name. “Want a lift?” he asked plugging his guitar out from the amp.

“That would be amazing, thanks.” I smiled.

10 minutes later, after Jack had finished talking to Alex, we were driving downtown.

“Jack?” I asked as he waited at a red light.

“Yeah?” he answered and beeped his horn, “Come on! You fuckers, the lights green now!”

“Did you bring my suitcase upstairs last night?”

“Nope, Alex did. He went down after you fell asleep to get his guitar and brought it up with him. Why?” he asked beeping his horn again.

“No reason.” I said, looking out the window. I had never been on this side of town before. This was the fancy side of town. So Alex had put that money in my wallet? Why would he do that?

I saw Kim outside, sitting on a bench with two other girls and told Jack to pull over.

“Thanks Jack.” I smiled and jumped out. He waved and drove off quickly. Why was he in such a hurry?

Kim ran up to me and hugged my tightly. I instantly recognized the two other girls. Claire and Ciara.

Claire lived in a different state and regularly visited us. I hugged her too and moved onto Ciara. Ciara was an Irish girl who had moved to L.A to pursue her acting. She was older than Kim, Claire and I. She was the responsible one of us. Claire slapped my arm after I finished hugging Ciara.

“Was that who I thought it was?” she asked eyes wide open.

“Yeah! It’s that Jack dude! She met him in a club.” Kim shouted and playfully punched my arm.

“Do you like live with him now? That’s very irresponsible, you just met him.” Ciara asked

“I don’t live with him! I just stayed there last night with all the guys, until I find a proper place.”

Claire screamed from behind me, “You lucky bitch! Were they all there? Alex? Rian? Zack?”

“Yes,” I sighed. Claire was a massive All Time Low fangirl, “They were all there.”

Claire paled and clapped her hands and squealed, “You’re so lucky!”

“Can we just go shop now? Please?” asked Ciara, obviously annoyed.

By the time we had finished shopping; Jack had called me and asked me if I was ready to come back. He said that Alex was on the way and we were to wait where he had dropped me off. Kim, Claire and Ciara came to wish me goodbye because Claire was leaving in a few days. Alex pulled in beside where we were sitting and rolled down the window. Now I could ask him why he had given me that money. I didn’t spend it and I was going to give it back to him.

“Get in everyone!” he shouted. Damn I couldn’t ask him now.

The girls all looked at each other, puzzled. Alex shouted again, “Come on! Everyone in!”

I rolled my eyes and slipped into the front seat and the others climbed into the back.

“I’ve got too many bags!” Ciara complained. I got out and put her bags in the boot.

“Come on Holly, we have to go!” shouted Alex from the front seat. I had barely closed the door before Alex drove off quickly.

“So, what did you get?” asked Alex, peeking down into my bag. I covered it with my leg. I didn’t want him to see my clothes.

“What’s so bad I can’t see?” he laughed.  He was speeding up the driveway to the house. He barely parked before he had jumped out of the car and ran up the stairs. “Sorry, girls, I need to pee!” he shouted as he banged the front door closed.

I walked up to the door and opened it to hear a large crowd of people scream "SURPRISE!" 

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