Chapter Twelve

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Alex continued to tell me about his brother. He was hurt. His anniversary was coming up soon and Alex explained that he was like "a girl on her time of the month"  when his anniversary and birthday came around. 

"I'm sorry. You have my permission to punch me if I get annoying." he laughed weakly.

" I wouldn't do that." 

"Okay. Holly? Promise me you won't tell the other guys that I told you. They're protective over this kind of stuff and you've only been here for-"

"I promise." I said holding out my pinky. He stared confused at it, "Oh, I've learned to start doing pinky promises. It makes it really important." 

He smiled and  pinky promised. He ruffled my hair and walked to the door. 

"I smell food." He said then walked away.

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

The next month passed quickly. I told Jack that he could kick me out at any time he wanted. He told me he wouldn't dare. I often had the large house to myself as the guys were either recording, or at meetings with their record label. I hated to admit it but I missed them when they were gone. I dreaded the fact that soon they were going to be leaving for Warped and touring Europe. I hated having the big house to myself for few hours, how was I going to manage for over a month? I also dreaded this month because it was Christmas time. It didn't feel like Christmas time. I always associated it with snow, cold temperatures and family. I had none of that here in L.A. When I told Jack how I hated Chistmas, he dragged me downstairs to the living room. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He was lying on the floor by the TV, digging through a box od DVDs. 

"We are going to watch Home Alone. Get ready to feel Christmas Spirit !" 

The guys were going to be leaving soon to spend Christmas with their families. I didn't know where I would be spending my Christmas or if I was even going to be celebrating it. Jack told me that I could stay with him but I felt like I was intruding on his family. I was adamant that I would stay here and not celebrate, until a week before Christmas. 

The guys were recording at a studio and I was alone in the house once again. I heard a knock at the door and peeked out the window to see who it was before I opened the door. It was only Claire.

I ran to the door and hugged Claire. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks. She was always more tanned than me but now she looked as pale as a ghost.

"Hey whore!" I laughed and told her to come inside.  "What'll it be?" I asked as I ran into the kitchen, looking for something edible, which was a challenge recently. I grabbed a jar of Nutella and two spoons and hopped onto the kitchen island.  She smiled weakly and sat with me.

We talked for about 20 minutes about the holidays and presents we were buying before she put her spoon back in the jar. 

"Woah, Claire stopped eating Nutella? Usually I have to pry it from your hands." I laughed.

"I need to tell you something."  Claire said.

 "Spill the beans." I said worried and got up to put away the nearly empty jar of Nutella. 

"Alex. He got me pregnant." Claire said quietely.

I dropped the jar. It smashed on the clean floor and sharp shards of glass lay on the floor covered in chocolate. Jack was going to be pissed, he loved Nutella.

"Damn it, I knew you were going to freak." Claire said and buried her head in her hands.

"No, no it's okay. My fingers just slipped. How- How do you know?" I asked her and sat down beside her.

"I've been staying at Kims, I love L.A and I'm eighteen now. I don't need to go home. I've been feeling like shit for a while now so Kim told me to take a test."  She was crying now.

"But didn't Alex-?" I asked. I didn't finish my sentence. Claire knew what I meant anyway. It was weird to talking to Claire about this kind of stuff. It was only a year ago when we were obsessing over bands and now this.

"Yeah, but it obviously broke." Her phone lit up. She had a text message. "Listen, I have to go. Kims outside waiting. Thank You for listening. Will you spend Christmas with me? I really don't want to go back to my parents." she spoke quickly. 

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." She hugged me and ran out the door to Kims car. She was still crying. 

As they drove away, Jacks car rolled in. Jack ran into the house, kissed the top of my head . He walked into the kitchen,

"What's there to eat Walker?" he shouted from down the corridor. By the time I reached the end of the corridor, Jack was looking at the broken Nutella jar, doing the "Macaulay Culkin" face. I rolled my eyes and started to clean up the mess.

"Damn, you still don't like Home Alone?" he asked.

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