Chapter Twenty Three

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"Holly, come on wake up."  A hand shook my shoulder softly until I rolled over, facing away from the person. A soft chuckle echoed around the nearly empty room and I bolted upright, still half asleep. My eyes searched the dull, small, badly-painted white walls. There was nothing else in the room other than an iron wrought, uncomfortable bed and a dark rocking chair leaning beside the small window. It was still rocking. No room for a dresser, my suitcase wasn't anywhere to be found. I crossed the short distance from my bed to the large door. I lazily pulled the door, rubbing my eyes. It wouldn't open. I pulled again with both hands. My knuckles slowly turned white but the door wouldn't budge. I knocked on the door, hoping someone would come and open it. I called out again and again.

"Helllooo?"  I yelled. No answer. I walked to the window to see where I was. I was small for my age of twelve and I had to stand on the dusty chair. It moved beneath my weight but gripping the widowsill, I pulled myself up and pulled my knees up to my chest. A large garden with colourful flowers surronded the house. A gate was open on the left of the house, not far from my room. It led to a small forest and then a road. No trees were located by my side of the house but I could climb down the pole on the left of the window. I did gymnastics when I was younger but I had to give up. The past week here had been terrible and I hated it. There was other children in the house, I suppose it was kind of like an orphanage but they claimed to be 'helping us' with a type of 'therapy' You're lucky if your memory remains here. 

As quietly as I could, I slid up the window and gasped at how cold it was outside. The wind whipped against my cheek, making my legs feel like jelly. I pulled down my sleeves and fixed my old, hand-me-down pyjama pants. I ducked out the window and started to slide down the pole, just as the familiar, husky voice of the owner hummed and started unlocking doors in my corridor. I heard a shout and looked up just as fuming, red face poked out the window. I ran away laughing over his screams. 

"So how is she today?" Alex asked as the nurse walked him to the room where Holly was. He had been here 5 times already, but Nurse Johnson still insisted on walking with him. She was wearing purple scrubs and her dark hair was twisted up into a bun. She smiled everytime someone came to visit Holly. She turned the corner and stopped outside Room 106, interlocking her fingers and stading outside the door. 

"She woke up last night, we were going to call you but Jack was here. She's asleep now, she needs rest." She said, her hand on the doorknob. 

"Does she remember anything?" Alex asked.

The nurse hesistated,"Not particularly. Well she knows what happened to her but she doesn't have any recollection of the event. At least for now. How is your head by the way?" She said opening the door for Alex. Alex reached for his forehead and simply nodded as he sat down on the chair beside Jack.

The door shut softly behind Nurse Johnson with a click. Jack turned in his sleep and started to snore again. He was too tall for the small, uncomfortable hospital chair. His legs were sprawled out on the bottom of the hospital bed which Holly lay in. She was hooked up to a lot of machines, tubes leading everywhere. Her left eye was swollen and she had a small scar on her right cheek. Her wrist was broken like Jacks. Alex got stitches by his temple. Jack stirred in his sleep and sat upright, yawning. He hadn't had a proper nights sleep in a week. Tufts of hair stuck out at random angles. 

"You look terrible." Alex laughed quietly as Jack stretched in his chair. 

"If you were here for a week, you wouldn't look this amazing." Jack muttered.

"Why don't you go home and sleep so?" 



"She woke up yesterday and she's going to wake up today and I need to be here."

"Did you even get to talk to her yesterday?"

"A bit." Jack said mutely.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Look, go home. Your mom has been calling non-stop."

"Why?" Jack asked surprised.

"I don't know, she just asked for you everytime." 

Jack stood up and took his jacket from the back of a chair, kissed Hollys head and hurried out the door. "Hey Jack!" Alex called after him.


"Have a shower, you stink." 

Jack flipped his middle finger and walked out to his car. Alex sat in Jacks chair and scooted closer to the bed. She looked pale and fragile. Not surprising after that night.

"Alex?" A small voice croaked.

"Yeah, it's Alex."

"Is Jack here?"

"No, he just left, sorry. It's only-"

"Good, I need to talk to you." She said, opening her eyes. 

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