Chap 1

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"Mom, why do I have to go to this school? It's dull and boring..." said a certain 17 year old teenager complaining with her parents in the car. This teen had long wavy brown hair, a model-like figure, the face of an angel, and a somewhat sweet personality. She was also narcissistic as well. She didn't feel good about this."But sweetheart, it's actually a really good school. Besides you didn't make any friends since you spend so much time by yourself. And I think it's about time you went to a school where you can interact more and actually make new friends." said her mother, who is trying to put pride into her daughter. "Besides, princess. It's actually a high school and college at the same time. It's even got dorm rooms, a huge campus, and what's best, a food court! Reminds me of my youth!" replied her father, who too, was trying to put pride for her daughter as well."Yeah well,I still think it's boring. I shouldn't have to spend my time boring myself to sleep with all this knowledge." said the teenager, who felt like she could be relaxing on a chair in Paris, but it was gone all of a sudden.Now her family has moved onto the cold clear skies of Toronto, Ontario, where this kid's dad got a job promotion for a fashion company somewhere in Ontario. Still, at her old high school at Paris, France, she could still relax with friends, but not anymore.Her name was Rosella Raquel Elsa Smith, and she was about to be enrolled in the only prep school in Canada where everyone is separated from life and imagination...Code Academy."You were right, honey! It is big as it said on the pamphlet!" Rosella's mom exclaimed as she was fascinated by the huge campus."Oh, please..." Rosella replied in a frustrating way."Come on, princess, at least you'll like it. It's actually not that bad." her dad said, still trying to cheer his daughter up.As the car stopped, Rosella got out of the car with her backpack and briefcase."Be safe, daughter. Make new friends!""Wait a minute, are you gonna come in with me? What about where I'm supposed to go?"Rosella questioned her parents as they were in a hurry."Look at your map! Please make new friends and have a good time, now!" her mom exclaimed as they drove off.Rosella was gonna say something from her mouth, but she was too late."Oh, damn it. I swear, sometimes my parents are dumb." Rosella said to herself as she went inside the halls of the academy.Inside the Academy...Rosella went to the information kiosk to see which dorm she would be placed in by her grades."Name?" the secretary said."Rosella Raquel Elsa Smith, I just moved here from Le Lu High School in Paris." "Oh, your parents told me about you. Can I have the papers?" the secretary said as Rosella gave her the papers.After a whole lot of checking..."Congratulations, Ms. Smith. You are placed in the Black dorm." the secretary replied as Rosella gave her a nod and left. Somehow, there were three dorms in this school. The Black Dorm is for students who got A's and B's, the Blue dorm is for students who got B's and C's, but the Red dorm is for students who have all A's, in which having all A's was a spotless record.As soon as she got to her new room, she noticed 6 beds with their jackets on top of them, she noticed that she's gonna have roommates. This can't be good. As Rosella wore her new jacket as a cape, she looked at herself in the mirror, modeling it like the narcissist that she was."Well, I look comfortable in this. Feels soft as a cloud." She said, cracking a smile. At least that was the good thing about this place.But as soon as she kept admiring herself, someone behind her came out of nowhere."I see you like the jackets." said the muscular-build student. He had beautiful mix of colors, which were showing so majestic to her. He had gold, black and red spiked up hair, which were showing his highness, just like a crown hair, a Millennium Puzzle, a killer six-pack, and a cool demeanor that can make a girl swoon with his violet eyes."Thanks, I'm kinda flattered myself. You my roommate?" Rosella asked as was introduced by this chameleon of a student."Yeah. Name's Yami Muto, you?" "I'm Rosella Raquel Elsa Smith, I just moved here fromParis, France,." she said as she was giving Yami a hand shake. "How's the tower and the men? I bet they're hot than the ones you find here.""I don't know, I'm used to being with myself. I pretty much don't have the time for both at the same time." Rosella replied as she was examining her character to Yami."Oh, I understand. You like to keep your looks intact. I respect that, bra. Hey, wondering why you're here, you want me to take you a tour of the entire campus? You'll have plenty time to unpack later." Yami said, forcing the French girl. Then again, Rosella can always make some room to put stuff in later, "Okay... is there a food court around here somewhere? I'm kinda aching for a water almost.""I know the best one, let's go." Yami responded as he and Rosella left their dorm room behind. The Food Court "Hey, this place ain't so bad..." Rosella said, changing her opinion about the school being dull and boring, but impressed that the food court was like a palace of some sorts. "Indeed, this place has everything from hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, tacos, Chinese food... you name it, they got it." Yami added as they went to a vending machine and got him and Rosella, 2 20 ounce water. As soon as they we're drinking, Rosella noticed a blond-haired girl with red jacket playing a rendition of "Hotel California" on her acoustic guitar. "What's with Selena?" Rosella replied, referring to the girl with the guitar. "Her name's Dakota Jones, she's from the Red Dorm. She's actually pretty nice once you get to know her. Unlike all the rest of the Reds." Yami said as he was about the change the subject of the people of the Red Dorm."What's with the Reds, anyway?" asked Rosella, as she followed through."To tell you the truth, most of the Reds are nothing but pure snobs. They're pretty much rude to everyone." Yami replied, giving Rosella a warning, followed by a swig of his water. "If I where you, I'd stay away from them. Well, not most of them. All except Dakota though, she's harmless.""Okay, I'll take your word for it, then." Rosella said as they left the Food Court, and went outside.Outside...As they walked in a clear sky, a beautiful girl ran to Yami and Rosella's side."Hi Yami, I missed you!" she said, giving Yami a tender kiss on the lips.She had long pink/red hair, a beautiful surfer's body, and a carefree spirit all wrapped in one. "Hi Silver, I missed you too!" he said, giving a kiss back. He then turned to Rosella. "Rosella, this is my rockin' girlfriend Silver Aoi. Silver, this is my new good friend, Rosella Smith. She moved here from Paris." he said as Rosella gave Silver a friendly handshake."Nice to meet you. I'm glad that your boyfriend's a lucky man.""Thank you,Rosella. I'm honored." Silver said as she turned to him. "Hey Yami, could you come to my dorm room and unpack the rest of my stuff? It's a bit heavy and I need someone with the size of Grave Digger to move the stuff around.""But, baby...I have to show Rosella the rest of the campus around..." "She'll be fine, she's got a map. Pretty please...?" Silver said as she seduced him, displaying a innocent puppy-dog face. Then again, Yami can always show her around later. He's got plenty of time for that. Yami then turned to Rosella."You're on your own, buddy. See ya!" Yami responded as he and Silver left holding both hands."Hey, Yami, I don't even know where to go! What about showing me the football field, or pretty much where the auditorium is?" Rosella shouted to the both of them.But it was no use. Yami and Silver were a mile away from her. Rosella became frustrated at herself."This is just dandy. First my parents and now Yami. That's pretty much a new low for me..." Rosella said to herself leaving without anyone to show the whole entire school around. "I guess I'll ask the next person to see if they'll show me around. But what's the point? I'm having trouble finding friends as much as I am finding dates..."But as Rosella walked around the corner, she bumped not into someone......but somebody, knocking him down."Oh my Ra, I'm so sorry! I did not see you there!" Rosella yelped.Fully hesitating, she picked up the entire set of papers that was knocked down along with the guy. She then gathered them up, pined them and gave them to the guy, who got back up."I'm so sorry, my apologies mister!" Rosella said, giving him the papers. "Thanks." he said, looking up at Rosella.But as he did however, Rosella unexpectedly froze in motion. "Oh my Ra..." Rosella thought, looking at him. "He's... he's handsome." What Rosella said about this mysterious man was right. He had those glittering blue eyes,tan skin, and a curvaceous smile from those breathtaking thick lips. He had beautiful brown hair. With those flawless features,he could become a model compared to her. But somewhere around the world, her mind was elsewhere. "Are you gonna talk or act like a painting smiling at me?" he said with a cute laugh, breaking her out of her daydream. When he looked at her though, he too was impressed by the sight of her. Rosella had looks compared to him. Her enchanting ice blue eyes with sharp eyelashes, soft long brown hair that he would put him hands on, and a charming smile that was shaped to perfection. They just couldn't stop smiling comfortably at each other. "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, thanks for snapping me out of that. I'm Rosella Smith, I just moved here from Paris, France." she said as she curtsy to him. He bowed at her like a prince. "I'm Justin Rouge, this is my second year at this academy." he said still bowed at her like a prince. "So is this your first year?""Actually it's my second. I had my first year back at Le Lu High School." Rosella said, correcting him."I'm glad to hear that. It looks like we might be graduating together for the next 2 years.""I'm kinda flattered..." Rosella replied, still displaying her infectious smile at him."So... you here to take a look around the campus?"He questioned the gorgeous student. "Yeah, I had someone with me, but he ran off with some girl with pink/red hair." Rosella responded, referring to Yami and his girlfriend,Silver. She can still remember being a little frustrated when they left her all by herself. "Looks like you're making friends already." he laughed. And so did Rosella. "Come with me. I'll take you the rest of the tour." he gladly responded, following the handsome male on foot. At the Code Mayan's football field..."This is the football field where our high school football team plays." He replied, showing her the huge atmosphere of a football field.But when he looked up however, he yelped at was about to fall on his head. "Aaah! Look out!" he said taking cover.Rosella managed to catch it just in time before it was gonna nail him painfully. "Hey! Catch us the ball back!" said Goro, one of the defense linemen for the football's academy team known as the Code Mayan's . Rosella did as he said, throwing the ball back to the team. "Thank you!" Goro happily responded, thanking her."My pleasure." Rosella said, facing him with a smile. "Always watch out for those things, they're mood killers." she replied as they moved on. At The Band Room..."This here's the band room." He said, showing her their official band room. It was a lot of instruments that stood up there properly with no one else in sight. Full of trumpets, horns, drums, and not to mention a guitar. Now that was awesome. Rosella had touched one of the instruments and yet... ...they all went down like dominoes. They looked at each other like they we're in trouble. "Well, that's enough sightseeing. Let's move on!" He replied, as he and Rosella ran like hell.
Luckily for the twosome, they weren't caught. "Yeah, besides, I don't want my first day to be like hell!" She said following him. At the Basketball Court..."This here's our basketball court. It's where we have our basketball games and pep rallies." He said, showing her the fantastic gymnasium that was their basketball arena. Then, a basketball rolled out of nowhere and touched Rosella's foot lightly. She picked it up and started to strategize."What's on your mind?" Justin asked her lightly."This..." Rosella muttered to him.She started to dribble and move the basketball at the same time. Such skills she had for a 17-year old. Of course, with the ball moving around, his mind was spinning in rhythm. She used the basketball rack to extend the height and with an exploding sound... *BOOOOOOM!*

She slammed the ball through the hoop. He was speechless, but yet impressed at the same time. "How did you do that!" He said, still feeling the shock.

"Parkour. It's free running." She said tossing the basketball back into the rack.As Justin still began to enjoy his  company with Rosella, they weren't alone.One of the red dorm students by the name of Tea Jackson was there, with a shocked and puzzled look in her face. She couldn't believe that someone, from the red dorm, would be caught dead with a brand new student from the Black Dorm. After all, the Red's despised the blacks. In response, she quickly rushed to the Girl's red dorm, where she ran into a girl with mocha brown hair. She hid in her dorm room in the dark, not even bothering to be around losers from both the Blue and Black dorms.
"Hey Boss... I saw your friend hanging out with another girl in the basketball gym." Tea said, who was trying to catch her breath. "Really? Who...?" "I don't know, but she had wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and she has amazing skills like you." Tea replied, standing her ground."Leave. I'll take care of both of them." The mysterious figure said with a grim, yet uncomfortable angry mood in her face. "You got it, boss."As Tea left, so did the mysterious figure.On top of the Academy rooftops... Rosella and Justin enjoyed a laugh after the amazing afternoon they spent, alone on the upper deck. It was like friends hanging out with friends to be exact. "That was an amazing time! I never even thought of having days like this!" she said, smiling at the handsome student."Indeed. I have never met someone interesting as you in quite a lifetime since you've been here." Justin said, containing the joy in his smile. "Thanks for giving me the tour of the campus and such. I bet we can enjoy moments forever like this."

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