Chap 14

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The darkness his soon-to-be future bride is coming she surrenders and coming this way I guess I don't need my blackmailing after all so sister you agree to do the ceremony of the ritual I agree sister and that's of all you are the eldest and it was wrong of me to take over the throne when we were younger that's my little sister so frail it's so beautiful at the same time Can I say one last thing before I get married? what is it It's something that now! I've been deceived Batman model Darkness you take care of those friends of hers I got a male model to take care of! Why does the palace have to be so big? Take that don't worry Yami, Silver we'll take care of the minions go and protect princess and the prince This way to the throne room. We did it now let's go help them We'll be safe in here I've been expecting you. Just one question why would you do all this? Your were father favorite daughter. I was until you came along. I was? Do you know why Aknamkanon likes you? Beats me. You are so beautiful so kind and what does he compare to me, so selfish so unkind.I didn't know until now of course you weren't you were 10 by the time and when you were 16 the same age at the new one you became the new princess I was jealous that father wanted me to become Queen but I lost you that's why I wanted to have a pure heart to erase your history forever because you were jealous of your beauty You are so beautiful sister is that your wish no and never get away with it . Who cares about getting away with history the main problem is your boyfriend he gets away with everything no longer you didn't like Alejandro you're just a lustrous princess What did you call me lustrous princess princess No one calls me not work you're going to have a fight that I'm ready to have a challenge. Gold nothing more than a weakling and you too are nothing more than week I am not weak You're just a quick little Noid I am just noid In darkness there was night when there's music there is mental whenever water there was an element no matter how is she is she will still be reborn what does that mean no matter how many times you kill me I will still be reborn I shall never be defeated once again I'm the queen of Darkness. Her outfit is composed of a white long sleeved opened top with gold epaulettes, and a long shiny blue cape. Sticking out beneath this is a two layer white skirt and pale cream tights. She wears a blue choker with a silver heart hanging from it, matching her earrings. She gains white gloves, and black boots. Impossible I can't lose to a royal girl will face the facts sister you lose This is for my friends this is for our family and This is for you for betraying everything. Final attack Egyptian Humming This can't be happening You're history sister next time if you're going to erase something don't expect Kaos. I cannot go to the Lose especially to my younger sister mom's wedding ring how did you find it I don't know it just happened to appear in my hand My first in command free everyone that you prison 2nd return everything that you're stoned and clean the ones that you stole in the real world And my third princess Miranda you are hereby banished from every single world and you are could Into the Dark Void For the 10th time I'm more than just the princess of Egypt I'm the princess of France as well There you are free from everything from whatever Miranda has cursed you we will return as long as you wish your good heart and Princess Rosalina and for that I Crown you princess of Skyland including your friends. We should head home the academy is probably worried about us I think of sleeping spell will do but until then your light necklace should help you to return to Skylands as long as you wish thank you.

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