Chap 22

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Your assignment is to have your older siblings to become the place biggest Fairy Tail event ever A Knight's Tale a beautiful story about a young princess who gets kidnapped by the evil King but the young night stick with the help of a beautiful pixie a beautiful mermaid And his friends the knights who are also half pixie half merman. Sorry class. We're helping the younger. build the sets and I want them painted to Mine coming through will you watch it with that thing but now look what you've done sorry mermaid what would you pick see the problem is you princess always it my fault If your girls going to act like Savages do it outside Sorry mr. Simpson Now everyone I have an announcement to make so will you excuse me for one minute Meanwhile the class just stare at a sexy picture of a young male wearing boxers and female wearing nothing but a bra and pantie. "Icarumba!" Rosella! "Whoooaa mamma!" Rosella! "Rrrrraoww! Now that what I call a sexy man Jus--" The princess stared at one of the pictures so violently that one use his cape and covered her. "You know that bra doesn't look bad on her or her-" He forgot that he was staring at her picture so badly one of them use the curtain and cover him up. After a few hours of humiliation and all that they went back to work until horrible news the actress who wants to play at the mermaid is sick and the actor who wanted to play the merman / knight has a cold and passed away I don't know what kind of that. Been possible but I need someone so what a beautiful figure and since that incident yesterday I'll put ginger sister and Darren's brother for the part you're not absolutely making it mandatory are you I'm making it mandatory. I'm going to take a shower. Is she allowed to take a shower in the middle of classes well according to the rules then she is a female model she's allowed to have special privileges for example showers off of classes or anything else since the paint spilled on her since when did that happen Michael you and I are going to have a talk after class . Meanwhile in the showers of the nerve of that teacher making me stay after school and don't show the play or I'll kill you You and what pesky little army Well she needs to cool off a little and they had a female model screaming from the end of the hall Are you okay girl I hope you. I wish I'd never have seen that there are some things I should never seen like a naked lady one wrapped her in and coat of furs Whose fault is this excuse me please do not fight now oh dear It was too late the curse was lifted the darkness has a risen A dark flame has taken her place and there stood a teenage girl with black hair dark red eyes wearing black cape that is dark plum on the inside. She also wears a plum top and black skort with black boots and arm warmers. You were right I didn't understand love and hatred but I do now Sister those villains have done it I'm going to destroy wait if you destroy the crystal her soul will be in it meaning if you destroy the crystal Rosalina in it that means we'll never see her again There's one way you can destroy the crystal we'll have to battle her in a battle without hurting your best friend Dear I forgot she is very powerful that's right as long as she has memories of you guys there was nothing you could do to stop me you're just weak and Maybe I make things a mess And maybe you're right to have doubts in me Maybe, but nevertheless If you for once could just trust me Just this once let me come through for you The way that you want me to Let me make you proud Let me show you the best in me Let me give you a reason to believe that I can stand tall And when I return And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be Maybe then you will realize that you never actually knew me at all What he has power how's that possible?! Rosella gave him the power of the heart Sure, I've made lots of mistakes I know that I've disappointed you Still, though, whatever it takes I'm gonna fix it, just watch me Just you wait, I'll make it up to you If it's the last thing I ever do I will make you proud I will make you have faith in me I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past I will save the day And come back here triumphantly 'Cause I long for that look of surprise when you see your sun rising at last The pride in your eyes when you see your sun rising at last What are they I can't see What is this place she realized she was back to normal her normal long brown hair or normalcy blue eyes but she wasn't wearing any clothes instead it was a normal long cream-colored gown where am I hello how long I was been blacked out 5 hours who are you I'm your new persona besides cutie honey I am Twilight the girl question this mysterious young lady she had lavender hair beautiful sea blue and green eyes but yet her gown was long but yet she had Stars decorated What have I done I almost killed my friends you almost then luckily thing a pretty boy saved you oh no he's almost dead What is this warm feeling in my heart even though I don't forget myself for being a villain but I do forgive my friends as a heroine I don't trust anyone anymore with my friends and my family I can't believe they tricked me I don't want to be tricked again Congratulations I guess the detective is not the only one with the 2nd Persona anymore now you have upgraded your gem from a near Crystal to a beautiful heart does my friends have that they all have hearts and now you're the only one who understands that friendship is more important them being deceived. Rosella holds her pink gem while choker turns dark pink and inserts her Royal Crystal onto the choker while saying "Royal Crystal!". She then kiss the gem as it flashes with a white heart that emits white light. As she says "Elegante Heart!", she spins around until the light turns pink. Covered in a pink glow, she steps the teal heart while saying "Royal~" until light green hearts fly out to create her dress, her pants, and boots.She presses the red heart again while saying "Love~" to change her hairstyle and color as well as adding her hair accessories. She spins on red heart for the final time to allow her earrings, tiara and cape to appear. She places her lovers gem's on her sash and says her introduction phrase while spinning before raising her arms to say her name as she poses. She broke my spell? That's impossible nobody can able to break the crystal spell? That is so cute this is me well that explains the two-piece dress and the pants I kind of like the Ruffles in the split in the middle I'm going to show them no mercy. First the crystals appear one after another, and circle around the wand. Then the girls appear around the wands, holding wands, and say "Golden Wand!". After that, the ring on the wand rotates through the six colors pink, yellow, blue, purple, red and green, with the background changing to show a portrait of the corresponding teen. With a press of the button, the star falls down into crystal, which glows pink. The crystals appear again, also filled with stars and glowing their respective colors.The six teens appear again, hold up the wands and put the crystals into the handles on top. Their faces appear in profile and shout "Shine bright!". One after another, the duelist teens now jump out now with wings, then are shown all six together, while they say "Crystal Angels!".Rosella appears again, using the wand to draw a circle around crystal angel Ginger. The two of them disappear in a circle of light. When the circle breaks up and disappears, they appear wearing a dress a gold. They fly away and are replaced with Haru and Yami, who repeat the process, appearing as crystals angels Yumi and Yugi respectively. This repeats again for Silver and Goro as crystals angels June and Ulrich, then finally for Justin and  Darren. The crystal angels appear one after another, shooting streams of stars from the wand. The villain or monster they were attacking appears, with the Cures on their crystal animals circling around it while still streaming kirakiraru at it. Each angel in turn comes into view while they shout "Final Attack Angelic Heart Blast!". Finally, the kirakiraru cloud glows and forms into a giant cake with the villain or monster inside. Crystal shapes of the six angels appear on the edge of the plate, then the whole thing explodes into kirakiraru stars and the villain or monster disappears as the screen fades to white. You 6 are expelled for ruining my school just a minute you're the one who hired those monsters but I I can explain Barbara mr. Bob you're Fired but I pack up your things you're through as a Drama teacher. I am so sorry about this everyone until the school is fixed everyone gets another spring break 

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