Chap 15

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The children are awake sir the nurse said they are I'm glad they're awake the principal said the six teenagers look up along with their small ones and place other virtual uniforms for their regular uniforms again. Is everybody okay Principal Brown said a little shaken but we're alright Silver said. Well done everyone, you save the word from a horrible Menace. vice principal Marie said "Nice job what did you find out who they are?" Jane asked the others."We got a pretty good idea." Yami said. "Good because whoever did this must be punished." Professor Stone said. "Glad you agree Professor Stone because You're as a suspect as everyone else.""What? Me? I'm a professor I spend my whole life to the student and this school" Jenna Stone cried out. "But you also plan to make a quarter of a million dollars if you'll stole the invention." Goro and Haru said to Miss Stone. "That's the most ridiculous plan I have ever heard in my life!" Professor Stone said with angry look on her face."Let's not forget officer Stilton." Ginger replied."What? I'm an officer of the law well sort of anyway I will never scare my daughter away" Ryan Stition trying to save his daughter. "But you were with us when we got the invitation to New York City."Yumi said. "Once inside we got information and clues about who wanted her free." Yugi and June smirked to them. "The first clue was on Glades the Phantom wanted to design a black wedding dress."Rosella smiled."In the beach level he blackmailed Rosella that if he doesn't marry the Kaos, Justin will die." Ulrich glared.Arthur and Nelly started to feel suspicious they figure it out time to run away they thought. "The main clue, was on the sky eater when he find out about the black wedding ring." The girls said."So I'm guessing this person have a thing for weddings?" Anna asked."Is Arthur and his daughter Nelly! you're both are under arrest," Everyone glared at the science professor and his daughter they ran away but they trip. "Okay kid is all over.""Nell you were my best friend." McKenzie said with a disappointed look on her face."And my best student of them all.,"Stone told her. "But now you disappointed me.""But you didn't pick my project!" Nelly said.Elsa told Anna's former Bff. "What's that supposed to mean?"Nelly deadpanned. " That's stupid Professor pick your project over mine even though I've been here 2 years longer and my Daddy has been here like 6 weeks ago and I'mlike the richest student in town." "Everyone is an equal here Nelly rich or poor!" Jenna warned."So you and your father created some type of virtual world hoping it will scare your best friend away"The female model said. "That's right and it work till you guys showed up." The science professor introduced. "You were afraid but the ace deactivate was this close to solving his first real one mystery so you send us fake invitation to expel us so that way your daughter will be the number one student in the United States.""The prize would have been ours, if it wasn't for those meddling kids." That afternoon the principal made an announcement tomorrow morning everyone have the day off now that we have a return of our students.

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