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It happens very long time since I've been my best friends and now that I'm the queen of this Kingdom Dominic and I are married it's going to be a hard time bring me to become Queen Erica also known as Ginger and my husband King Dominic also known as Darren to be To get this Hospitality of the whole thing ask for my friends well there's still the king and queen of duelist but And their king and queen of a different man ask for the Persona thieves while they're still thieves but the rules state you cannot arrest them there the king and queen of a different land we're still best friends They got married as well and we each have different children oops cannot be late for my own Sister's wedding got to run diary sign Queen Erica Ginger of the island Are you coming or what hold on honey bun let me just get my necklace that my sister gave me Rosella nervously tugged at the top of her white and rose pink dress that fell to the floor and trialed behind you. Today was the big day, the day she would marry the love of her life, Justin, and would become the Princess of this kingdom. She felt more nervous then back in the days she were forced to marry men. She heard someone giggle behind you. "Stop fussing so much Rosella, you look amazing." She turned to face the two girls that were helping you get ready. Mana, Atem's childhood friend, was the one who had giggled at your nervousness. Standing next to her was one of Atem's Priestesses, Isis. Isis stepped forward, holding a beautiful headdress for you to wear. "Mana is correct, you look beautiful Princess Athena." She gently placed the headdress on her hair and made sure it was in place. "There that looks perfect." She smiled at the two. "Thank you both for your help." "Of course!" Mana exclaimed, beaming at her. "Akechi will be speechless when he sees you." "You really think so?" She touched the ruby necklace that rested in the hollow of her throat. It was in the shape of a heart and was a present from Atem in anticipation of her wedding. "I still feel so out of place in clothes like this.""You will grow used to it." Isis smiled gently. "I'm sure he's going to spoil you after today." "I don't know if I can handle that..." She answered. Ira took her arm lightly. "It's almost time. We should get you out there." She took a deep breath to keep back the light headedness she were feeling. "Already?"Silver touched her back lightly. "There is no need to be nervous. Akechi loves you and our kingdom will love you as well." She looked back at her, feeling the headdresses tassels tap her cheek softly. "You really think so?""I know so, you will make a perfect Princess and wife to our Prince." Ginger glanced out the window to see the position of the sun. "Now they're correct. Let us head out to see your future husband."She smiled. "I'm ready." The girls lead her out of your dressing room and down the hallway towards the main room. As you nearly the large ballroom, you could hear hundreds of voice inside and felt your nerves kick up again. What if you tripped? What if you did something to disgrace Akechi? What if you did something to make people not accept you as a Princess? Yumi and the girls moved to open the doors. "Stop worrying, just focus on Akeci and everything will be okay." They pushed open the doors before she could answer. The ballroom had been completely transformed. Lines of chairs had been brought in to hold all the guests on each side of the center aisle. Lotus flowers sat in vases around the room and an altar had been placed at the far end of the main room. High Priest Seth stood at the altar, looking as annoyed as ever, but seemed to have accepted this. Once you saw the other person standing at the altar, everything else faded away. Standing in front of the altar was Akechi. He was wearing a long white skirt and was bare chested, his tan muscular skin revealed to your eyes, wearing his green cape and his Prince headdress. He smiled and his eyes light up when he saw her at the doorway. Mana had been right, the second she saw him nothing else mattered. They guided her down the aisle, her eyes never leaving him. Once her reached the altar the girls stepped to the left and she took her place next to him. He took her hand gently. "You look beautiful my love."She felt her cheeks warm up. "Thank you. You look very handsome Akechi." Seth cleared his throat. "If I may." "Oh yes, go ahead Seth." Atem answered as he looked at his High Priest. Seth eyebrow twitched slightly before he started the ceremony. He recited the ancient vows that all Princes took while marrying their Princesses. It passed by quickly and she found herself lost in his eyes, which were lit up brighter than she had ever seen before. Seth said the ending rite of passage before turning to the watching crowd. "I present you with your Prince and Princess!" The crowd cheers and get up from their seats.He smiled at her. "My Princess." He pulled her close and kissed her. She blushed and kissed him back. The crowd cheered louder, but it was all muffled. The only thing she could focus on was him and his lips against his. He slowly pulled back from the kiss and faced the crowd. "Thank you everyone for coming to this important day for our kingdom! And now..." He knelt slightly and swept her up into his arms. She yelped and wrapped her arms around his neck. "...I have a lot of new things to show my princess." He carried her down the aisle and into a horse-drawn carriage at the sisters wake up by again they learn this special lesson.Some stories may have a happy ending some stores may not but ours it's just the beginning this story is not just our love it's a millennium love and now this is not the ending it's just the beginning.


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