Chap 18

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Meanwhile in the garden the poor burnett was crying. Her hair was drenched and her gown drenched and jewelry soaked."That Jerk..." she sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks. "They always ruin everything..." She unhooked the sapphire earrings and put them on the floor."I just don't know what to do now," she said, She took the tiara from her hair and place it with the earrings. "She's not a princess anymore." Taking the rest of her jewelry off including her high heels she was sobbing for hours. "Are you alright?" Someone asked."I- I think so..." she muttered. He helped her stand up. "Yami?""Yes Rosella?" "How long I been in the garden for?" She asked. His eyes looked at her discarded jewelry. "Hours." he said. "You been crying for hours." She became pale, more tears streaming down her face, and she began crying again. Hey look at the gal it was simply beautiful the beautiful dark pink sleeveless crop top that reminded her of Egypt, the layers of pink dark pink and light pink skirt trimmed with gold lace design with beautiful golden designs and ended at the gold belt really reminded her of Egypt was drenched. Then he fought if her gown is ruined her Jewels a taken off and her hair extremely down that it can only mean one thing her boyfriend is extremely upset and it will do anything to protect her then he stared at the girl who finally stopped crying and using the end of her skirt to wipe away her tears. "You feeling better, Rosella?" "A little ,but I can't figure it out now now that he ruined everything my dress my hair my..." "No More Tears he loves you no matter lines even if it takes a ruin dress that is spinning in the water taking off jewels and hair that has been taken down that it was once a bun and a white ribbon." He said and stood He was right she was beautiful even though her dress was in the water and her hair was trench she was twice as beautiful and she hugged her friend."Thank you, but you promise you won't tell anyone if you don't mind?" she asked."Not at all." Yami said, smiling. She put her jewels on back to the way we were including her high heels when she came back to the ballroom it was strange the dress now have blue gems she look like an Egyptian princess mixed with French designs as for the white ribbon she added to the stash to making her style her hair was still down but a beautiful Golden Crown was added to her hair. "You look ravishing as before."She heard a voice as softest velvet and when she turned around she saw her boyfriend dress in his Royal attire. The girl was blushing pure pink they both dress like something out of a fairy tale. "Thank you, you look dashing as well" "Thank you." he smiled.The two of them just stare then with a little push they started dancing. It was love at first sight.She wrapped his arms tightly around his neck; the action too sudden for him to prepare and he was almost thrown backwards. She rested her chin on his shoulder, happy tears streaked her cheeks, and she smiled when she felt Justin wrap his arms around her.Rosella leaned forward on the tips of her heels, and kissed his lips. He responded by wrapping one arm around her waist and taking her arm in the other, pulling her level with him and deepening their kiss. It was different from their other kisses. It was stronger, fiercer, and more forceful: both of them pouring all of their emotions into a single kiss.Her arms subconsciously wrapped around his neck and pulled herself closer against him. In response, he leaned down and pressed his lips deeper against hers, his hands wrapped around the back of her head, kissing her harder. When both their lips parted, their tongues coasted the others' out of hiding. They tasted the other for the first time, but their kiss never lost an ounce of its gentleness. They moved against each other like they were one being, neither willing to break away unless they sensed the other about to do so, also. His hands safely began to roam her body while his tongue continued to explore her inviting mouth. Her hair slithered up his leg like a serpent, sending a delicious shiver up his spine. The action caused him grip on her to falter and her own hands began to explore the warm skin buried beneath the many layers of his clothing.Her mind was spinning. Feelings and instincts she'd never felt before spiraled inside her creating a dangerous heat. Heavy pants and moans escaped her with each of his touches. Each one making her body burn and feel more alive than ever. He wanted her. That thought alone made her rational thoughts dance away like the wind and her natural desires began engulfing her mind. She wanted him. Needed him. Needed to feel those hands against his skin. Needed to feel that contrasting body of flesh pressed against her own. The desire becoming too much to resist any longer, and Rosella knew she didn't want to resist. The sounds Rosella made drove him with desire. His rationality vanished the second she kissed him. He could feel his restraint melting away and he no longer wanted to control it. All he knew was that he wanted her. Wanted to hold her, touch her, feel her, love her. Needed her. Needed to feel her skin under his hands, the body arching beneath his. He wanted her like a drowning girl wanted air to breathe. And she wanted him in return. He used the last of his control to break the kiss, causing her to collapse into his arms. "Oh,Yami..." Silver voice soothed, he smirked at the look of bliss on her face. His girl. His queen. It felt wonderful to finally be able to say it. "Don't tell me their little kiss blew you away?" he teased.She glared at him for a moment then flashed a smirk so devious it didn't belong on her face. She grabbed the collar of his jacket and cloak, pulled him down, and kissed him with so much force that his eyes flew open completely caught off guard by the dominance. When she released him, he stumbled a bit. Her smirk curled at the corners. "It'll take a lot more than that to wear me out," she boasted, deviously. He grabbed his collar again, only gentler and stood on her toes to reach his ears. At first he thought she was going to kiss him again, but instead She whispered in his ear "Let's go somewhere. Right now. Just you and me." Yami swore his heart just exploded with joy. His mind formed a devious plan in a matter of seconds. Before Silver could even gasp, he had her tightly wrapped in his arms, carrying her like a bride. One arm tightly wound around her knees to keep her from kicking, the other pinned her upper arms to her chest and against his torso. The coat cocooned around her frame, constricting her movements even more. "Yami! Wait up! You know I hate going fast." She whined. "And that is exactly why I do it," He teased, moving back towards the doors.She flushed and instantly started to panic. "W-Wait! What are you doing! You can't go back inside, everyone will see us!"He laughed, unable to resist teasing her. "Well, my room is closer, but you're right that would require me to carry you all the way back through the ballroom and up the stairs to my room, and I can't guarantee no one will see us ..." Yami playfully taunted, purposely avoiding her horrified face. If Silver could die from embarrassment, she'd have done so at that moment."Of course," he added, playfully, spinning around and making her body jerk. "I could always leap off this balcony and fly back to your room instead? If you prefer.""Do it!" Silver cut him off, hastily.With a grin, he leapt elegantly onto the balcony railing.Silver tightened her grip on his clothes. Once both were certain they were secure, he jumped into the air and flied, taking her into the air and above and over the castle.

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