Chap 4

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After an hour or so, Rosella woke up. Silver smiled at him, She turned over and looked at him, again another smile. Sweat dripped from his nose and she wiped it off. "Wow Yami, you... were on... well... fire," She panted. "It...was my... first time," He panted back. He stroked her hair as her arms were around her chest. The two cards still hanging from his neck, held in place by their clip. He looked on the floor as he noticed their clothes discarded on the floor. He  smiled and continued stroking her hair. Even he didn't understand it, he  wouldn't make love to Tea, to Lee or to any girl or guy before, and yet one kiss from Silver and here they lay, their naked bodies intertwined with each other. She noticed, she was waiting for the one, the special one. And here we are. They say you search your life searching for what's truly in front of your eyes in the first place, it's true. There was no place we would rather be but here with each other. Here we felt myself, complete. We felt loved, respected and comfortable. At then we felt, whole. And we liked it. He leaned forward and kissed her  neck. He smiled and hugged her  tighter, his soft, hands wrapped around her waist. She didn't care who knew it, Silver is in love with Yami Motou. The only problem would be Lee's reaction, he'd think she'd'd cheated or something but then again she didnt really care. She'd have to understand and loved Yami more. And there was no way I was going to let him go again. Never ever again, she  loved him so much. And as he thought of Silver. He leaned forwards and whispered softly in her ear. I smiled at what he said. Our bodies intertwined, our love bonded, ourselves in love, he leaned forwards and with a whisper his gentle voice reached her ears."I love You Silver." We got ourselves dressed and got up. But got busted by Rosella, Oh my Ra. Rosella must got a nightmare and woke up and saw us having sex. Silver  blushed a crimson color as she watched them got dressed and Rosella chuckled at them. They smiled and blushed again. "Why you two so shy, you guys have seen me naked, you two made love, why are you so shy?" She asked with a smile. She giggled and smiled at them. "It's just, I can't believe Yami and I are together," she said with a shy smile. hugged him close to me. "Well believe it, Yami belong to you now Silver."  Rosella replied softly. But the princess had her head down and frowned "May I ask you a question what is the prince of waters love me?" She asked her friend. "Why?"She answered back . "I know the prince likes me and all but I'm a high school student and I have a different appearance than him I'm a girl he's a guy and more importantly- Yikes!"She was suddenly interrupted by her boyfriend who pushed her down on the bed. "Rosella, don't let the world know that you're just different you're more beautiful than anyone else in the world you're beautiful attractive kind strong smart Or giving compassionate and most importantly you have the most Heart of Gold in anyone else you're more than just the princess you have more than anything your personality." One of them said. "I mean look at you Beautiful sharp eyes beautiful enough for an Egyptian queen but yet passionate beautiful soft sea blue eyes perfect enough for any boy or girl to melt a heart Even though it's like that your brains and eyes are sharp as the Pharaohs." One of the boys said looking at her beautiful sharp blue eyes . "The lips are so smooth but you're kissable I mean your lips are like Crows. Pink, but a guy can kiss you right in the middle but yet man can crave your lips." Her friends continue on as they touch her beautiful Ruby pink lips. The body so soft and delicate but yet so sexy like the gods created an angel with elegant curves Kinda even the male models can touch the delicate female model's body You are such a beauty. How can one male model think your not attractive?" One of the boys asked as he touched the body of a young beautiful female comparing the size of an Angel. Touching her made the princess blush raspberry. "Compared to everyone I seen before but I never seen myself naked before my whole life you mean I never had sex with one guy except my ex boyfriend ." They gasped when the princesses made that confession . "I can't believe I'm doing this but it's the only way." She thought this to herself tugging the collar of her night dress. "I accept the challenge." "Rosella, are you sure about this?" "No but I'm ready to brace new challenges. But not holding my back okay?" The princess said holding on to the skirt up her nightgown. " Priestess get the bed ready and Garud make sure nobody gets in or out of their beds Let the ceremony of the princess and prince of the sexuality begin." The queen said holding on to her best friend. The queen had a frown look on her face she was wearing her PJs "No best friend of mine is going to have sex while wearing PJs. I prefer you wear there this it's not perfect but it's better than wearing those PJs." The queen looked at her she was actually gorgeous The outfit Was revealing It was Pink with a little bit of gold She didn't have a bra or panty under the outfit. Boy did she look sexy.The skirt reveal most of her legs she didn't have any shoes but she did have gold jewelry.The top show most of her chest she was embarrassed. "Don't you look pretty? Pretty? This is too revealing! What you rather let him see most of your chest?" She asked She blushed and shook her head. Silver laid the poor girl on the bed. "Let the ceremony begin will be in the other room if you need us." She said leaving the room with her King.  

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