Chap 5 (Sight Lemon)

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Her heart thundered in her chest with such force he could feel it against her rib cage. Her stomach suddenly felt like it was doing back flips and every inch of her body felt tender. The slightest touch sent shivers up her skin. When Justin finally let her go, her knees bunched at her side, and her hands fell level with her head when he was propped against the thick pillows. Justin kneeled over her, slightly, and offered her a kind smile. "Don't think I don't know what you've given up for me, Rosella." He met worried blue eyes and rubbed Rosella's cheek delicately with his cool hands. "I know I've taken a lot from you, and what you've given up for me, to stay with me...and now I'm about to take something else from you, but I promise..." He kissed Rosella's forehead and carefully maneuvered her body so he was kneeling above Rosella's frame: nervous sea blue met kind and loving baby blue. "I will do everything within my power to make up for those losses." "Justin..." Rosella moaned, meeting him with half-lidded eyes. No words were spoken between them. They weren't needed. Justin lay down next to her and pulled Rosella into his arms. Justin lay at her side, content with just holding the  woman and twirling her brown locks between his hands. Rosella rolled onto her side, welcoming the embrace and traced her fingers over Justin's chest."I knew he'll fall in love with her." He then took off her top and it suddenly revealing her chest. Justin then licked over Rosella's nipples. "Ever since I broke up with my ex boyfriend I never again until now ." Meanwhile at the other side of the room. Remember how our boyfriends used to do that. You mean touching our thongs? This is the princess's first experience." His hands had wasted no time in cradling and squeezing the treasures between her legs through the thin trappings of the long loincloth she wore.He slipped his fingers inside the fabric of the loincloth, his knuckles grazing the throbbing flesh behind it. Roughly, he tugged on the cloth twice, wordlessly alluding to his intentions. It was more of a respectful gesture than one of redundancy. One more pull and he would have torn it--which would be quite the feat considering the type of thong it was. A small flap of cloth in the front was the only modest decency she had allowed for whatever reason. She tensed to his impatience at first, but gently pushed him away just enough to cease the assaulting of their mouths. Her long lashes fluttered lightly as they lifted; her glossed eyes surrendered a confession only he could understand. Then, Rosella gave a firm nod, barely moving her head. 'Do it...'The ripping of fine linen sliced into the room and with a moan and a scream from her, he was inside her naked body. He searched for the spot that he had hit. She was moaning she name as he searched. He moved faster within her trying all different angles until she screamed to the walls. It was then he knew he had found it. Her moved faster within her tight and lightly sweating body as she went. Her moans got louder and higher, and that was how they could tell she was climaxing. She moaned getting higher, nearer to screaming as her climax rose. He hit her harder and faster and within thirty seconds, She was breathing really short and fast. "AHH!!" She screamed as she released over us both. Her naked body tensed and tightened around his and He released inside her, collapsing on his tired and naked body.She panted, exhausted as he stroked her hair and snuggled into her neck. "Wow, what a night," she panted. He half panted and chuckled back. He loved her breathing onto her neck, it tickled and it felt so nice on his skin. He pulled himself from within her and rolled from on top of her to beside her. He laid on his back panting, slowly getting his breath back. She pulled the silk duvet over them and rested her head on top of his chest. I smiled as she felt his legs intertwined with hers. As she lay on his side resting on her, she lay on her back stroking his hair softly.

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