Chap 3

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Rosella woke up with a throbbing head. The room Rosella was in was simple, yet it was decorated elegantly. The room was a cream color, with pink pieces of furniture scattered around the room. Dark wood ascents and a large wardrobe helped to give the room a modern feel. Moonlight lit the space, giving the room an eerie feel. Sitting up, she tried to recall what had happened. She was saving her sister, a bang,... it all come back to her. She scrambled out of the bed, she wore only her bra and pantie with cute lace design; she had no clue where her clothes were taken off. She shivered as the blanket fell off of her , so wrapping it around her shoulders like a cloak, she warmed herself up. It was long, dragging behind her on the floor. It was violet in color, the material felt like it was made of an insulated silk. She ran over to the window, the blanket flowing behind her like an expensive garment, trying to find some sort of opening to it. None was to be found. She spun around to try the door at the other end of the room when she saw a figure standing in the door frame. She recognized the silhouette of Yami, who had his arms crossed over his chest, red eyes glowing in the dark. He was dressed in a simple black long sleeved button-down and black leather pants. Two studded belts hung around his waist, and hanging from one was a vile of dark liquid. "You're awake. Good." He said; his voice calm and warm again. "There you are. What's going on? Where are these powers coming from, and where's my sister?" "S-stay away!" Ginger squeaked. Rosella ran but she stumbling backward, tripping on the blanket. Goro chuckled."This isn't the same Rosella I met before." He laughed. Taking a few steps in the room, he closed the door behind him. "Don't worry; I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to talk." His eyes softened, and Rosella felt her shoulders relax involuntarily."Talk?" she repeated. He nodded."Talk. Oh relax, if it makes you feel any better, Justin will stand here and you can stay there." She nodded. It gave them some confidence that each were on opposite ends of the room. Justin lend against the door, crossing his arms over his chest again. "So, I better explain why you both are here, right?" They nodded. "Very well," Haru sighed, placing the back of her head on the door. "You probably figured this out already, but Rosella's no normal human being Ginger. She is, not to be too blunt, a heroine of magic." Ginger nodded, gasping inwardly at the word. "You both are right now in the castle of elements, and unlike you Ginger, your sister has magic powers, if you're wondering." Ginger grimaced, and let out a small whimper. She didn't think I could handle more than her sister having powers. Yumi saw her reaction and grinned, teeth shinning in the dark, "Don't worry; we will make sure they don't harm you both." Ginger whimpered again, nodding. Justin's eyes met Rosella's, the blue eyes glowing brightly in the dark. She held out a hand. "Come, let's get something to eat." Ginger hesitated. She was face to face with heroes, yet Rosella was alive, and not to mention, they were kind to her and have friends. She slowly walked to her sister, taking her hand, which was covered by two pink armbands. "I'm going to have to cover your eyes Ginger," Darren said, "just so that you don't see where we're going. I don't want you finding your way around and them escaping on me." She nodded, shaking in fear. Silver pulled a scrap of cloth out of her dress pocket, placing it over her eyes, making sure she couldn't see anything. She heard the sound of the door opening, and then felt her hand pull her forward. We walked for a few minutes before he stopped. They bumped into him, Rosella's face pressing into Justin's back. She quickly pulled back, shaking at the coolness of his skin."Yu-""Shh!" Ginger heard Haru hiss. "What is it Jerry?" she asked, She could feel her sister step in front of her. "Oh, it' nothing Guys." Rosella heard a new voice say. "Just wondering who your new friends are." Rosella felt a hand grab her shoulder, and she yelped in surprise. This hand was not her friends, it was too cold. She heard Yami growl and push her behind him defensively." It's none of your business." Justin and Goro snarled."Oh, someone is getting defensive!" Jerry growled, earning another snarl from them. "Fine! Be all moody!" Jerry's voice snapped, and then before Rosella could react, I felt the same icy cold hands shove her down as Jerry's footsteps echoed past. "See if I care! They're probably just some meal for you anyway!" Ginger stayed put on the floor as she cowered in fear. She felt a warmer pair of hands, Rosella's hands, on her shoulders. "You aright Ginger?" Her voice was concerned; She could feel her eyes on her covered face. "N-no..." She whimpered back, "I'm not..." Rosella sighed, holding one of her hands."Come on, we're nearly there." Silver let Yami pull Ginger up, and she shrunk next to him, closer than they would have even considered at any other time. His arm wrapped around Yugi, pushing him closer to him. We walked in silence for a few more minutes, and then Yami's arm unwrapped itself. "Stay here, I need to open the doors." They nodded; They didn't want them to be gone for long. They shivered at my own though. The fact they trusted Rosella was absurd. but they did. They trusted Rosella. She had defended Ginger from Holi, and hadn't killed her back in the bed room. That alone was good enough for Ginger to trust her older sister. She played with the edges of the blanket Rosella had wrapped around her shoulders. Finally, Yami's hand grabbed theirs, pulling them forward into another room. "Wow..." June gasped, looking around the room."You like it? Yami asked. "Yes, very much!" Darren replied, pointing to the table. "It's so large! That must have been expensive to make!" Silver laughed."I'm glad you teens like it." She walked over to a door next to the fire place, disappearing into the room. While she was gone, the teens walked around the table to the large chair at the head. Rosella looked it over, noting the extravagant details carved into the wood. "We brought Rosella here to..." he took a breath, slightly shaking, "become Justin's wife." The words fell her like a stack of bricks. "WHAT?!" She asked, jumping up and sobering up almost immediately. Their faces paled, head shaking in disbelief. Silver tilted her head downward, eyes meeting hers."I'm sorry Ginger and Rosella, we really don't want to shock you as much as we did." she said, "I thought the water would help calm you down.But I have made my decision. You will become Justin's princess." "But why her?" Ginger cried out, "Why her? Out of all the people in Code Academy, why her?"Haru calmly replied, "Have you noticed the fact that they look so similar?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "He's interested in your sister, Ginger. Why she look like him . That is why he chose her." Rosella shook her head in shock. "All is not lost though," he said, closing his eyes and leaning back. "Rosella can marry him in five years by beating him in a game of Duel Monsters." Her eyes widened in shock. He played Duel Monsters? "Really?" Rosella asked, hesitation in her voice. "If you win," Justin said, "then you are free to leave, I will personally marry you in five years. But," Goro said holding up a finger, "if he win, you will be his princess, understood?" Rosella nodded, not thinking of the risk, only of her freedom. "What cards do she get to choose from?" Yugi asked.He reached into his pant pocket, pulling out a deck and handing it to me. "You have an hour to pick your cards." He stood, walking over to the fire and sat himself in front of it. "Take your time." She looked through the cards, picking out the cards that were good enough to form a deck. After a while, she had made my decision. "Hey Justin," She called out, "I'm ready." He stood and walked over to the table. She handed him the unselected cards, and he placed them back into his pocket. "Now, this game will go like another game," He explained, "I'll go first." Drawing a card, Justin said, "First, I'll place down one card face down." As he placed the card down, a replica appeared in the space between us. Rosella was taken aback; this was no normal game of Duel Monsters. "Then I'll play the monster Vampire Lady in attack mode, ending my turn there" A shadow appeared on the field, then it morphed into the Vampire Lady monster. Rosella was dumbstruck. "What is this, some sort of-" "Shadow Game?" Goro and Haru finished, "No, Rosella. It's nothing to fear. Now make your move." She looked down at her cards, preparing to fight the battle to decide her fate. "Alright, let's go." she said. She looked down at the cards in her hands. It wasn't enough to get her out of the disaster she was in. She life points were practically gone, and it was Justin's turn. "Now," he said, "I'll finish you off. Ragging Flame Sprite, attack her life points!" The monster's attack hit Rosella, reducing her life points to zero. Ginger stood there in shock. She had... lost. Yami walked over to her. She fell to her knees, a sob forcing its way up her throat."I...I lost... How?" Rosella asked Ginger. Justin tilted her pretty head up, forcing her to meet him in the eyes. "Because I am better then you, that's how." He said his eyes unreadable. "Now you're mine, and you will be mine forever." His eyes shined, and the room faded out of existence, leaving just her his friends and him. She saw a chains snake out of the ground, launching themselves toward her, wrapping themselves around her neck, legs, waist, and arms. Rosella cried out in fear, falling backward. Yami simply stood there holding Ginger, watching as the chains lifted her of the ground. The chain around her neck tightened, almost cutting off her air supply. Then, all but one of the chains released her, and she fell to the ground. The only chain left was the one around her neck. It began to glow, shrinking as it coiled itself around her neck. Then, in a burst of light, it vanished. In its place, a dark green velvet collar with a pink gem was fastened around her neck, under the blanket that still wrapped her shoulders. She touched her throat, feeling the velvet under her fingers. "What...?" She gasped, confused."It marks Rosella as a princess." Silver said as the room reappeared. "It shows that Rosella is his and his alone. No other man can claim you as long as you wear that." She felt fear bubble up inside her, and began to desperately tear at the velvet. It held, not even stretching as her fingers hooked under the material. "It's no use," Goro said, shaking his head, "only Justin can remove the collar, and he don't plan to any time soon." "No..." Rosella sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks. "This can't be real, this isn't happening. I wanna be a princess ..." A hand grabbed her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Yami, a small smile on his lips."I know it's hard, but don't worry," he said, trying to cheer me up, "you'll be ok." He held out his hand, but she didn't take it, Rosella simply stared at them, tears streaming down her face. After a few seconds, his hand slowly moved to her face, whipping the tears away. We stayed like that, one hand on her cheek. She finally looked down unable to hold it in any longer. Ginger cried, burying her face into Darren's chest. His arms wrapped around her body, letting her cry to her heart's content. After what felt like hours, Ginger sat up, her sobs turning into small gasps for air. "Are you alright?" Haru asked. "I- I think so..." Ginger muttered. He helped me stand up. "Yugi?" "Yes Ginger?""How... how long will Ginger and I be here?" Rosella asked. Justin's eyes looked away, sadness in the blue color. "I don't know, Rosella..." he said. "Probably for the rest of your lives." Rosella became pale faced, more tears streaming down her face, and her began crying again. Yami picked her up; carrying her toward the same room she had woken up in. He sat on the bed, sitting me next to him. She was crying into her hands, taking ragged gasps. She finally stopped crying, sniffing. "You feeling better, Rosella?" "A little... as much as I can, g-given my situation...""I know Rosella." She put on her new pjs. The violet silk top fit loosely around her shoulders, the long black skirt giving her legs a nice shape. Rosella was surprised at how good she looked."I glad you're okay." Ginger said as Rosella tucked her in. "Meri,Ginger, but try to have a good sleep, okay?"Rosella soothed. "I will... Good night." Ginger replied before closing her eyes and going to sleep. Rosella smiled and closes the door then went to the next room to make sure Yugi and the others were asleep and they were.She was leaning back against the wall with her eyes lightly close in sleep, the lids a light lavender, long slightly sharp lashes rested on her soft cheeks and her blush pink lips were open slightly as she breathed. He picked the blanket up off the floor, wrapping it around her shoulders again. They walked back into the bedroom, Haru laying her down on the bed, sitting on the edge. She pulled the blanket over her body, tucking the edges under her. " Good night Miss Rosella" She nodded weakly, slipping into sleep.

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