Chap 2

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"HELP!!" someone yelled from the gym. A girl with ginger hair turned the corner and gasped, the bullies were there, the Muscles. She began to tremble in fear, They saw the boys and made a low growling noise, they were the ones who had hurt her before, the boy with blond hair was sure of it. Tea turned and saw her, she smirked and held up a knife, it was the bloody knife that killed Quinn. "Hey pig, I warned you, now I will kill you." She whimpered in fear, now not even her life was safe! They began to approach but the girl just ran. Her new friends ran, not leaving her for an instant,  a presona wearing black and pink Rococo style dress, with red and pink vertical striped puffs on the sleeves of the dress that extends to her elbows and wearing pink gloves. The bottom of the dress is in a pink color with golden trim around the dress, which has a golden lip on the center of the dress that makes it resemble a smiling face. There are black and red curtain drapes around the dress underneath, a pink heart shaped frill around her waist with a red bow tied on the drapes and a knife next to on the center of the heart shaped frill guided her to another alley. She darted inside the super narrow space without a second thought. Tea cursed as her large shoulders refused to fit in the alleyway in question. She cowered at the end of the alley, it was a dead end. "Get her boys, she needs to be taught a lesson" She trembled as the two skinny boys came to drag her out. As soon as they boys were close the girl and another based on the comic hero Superman. The prominent "RH" shield logo on his chest not only echos Superman's "S" shield, it also reflects the letter "A" on Akechi's attaché case, a symbolism of his desire for public recognition dived and scratched his sharp sword across one's face while screaming in the other's ear. Both shouted in pain and panic before staggering back, looking around for what had hurt them. They both won, the two boys backed away fearfully. She saw two personas defend her and smiled "Wow..." she smiled. The two boys got out of the alley and stayed away. The bullies left after a while. She peeked out and saw that she was alone. She looked up and saw her sister and Justin running, Rosella . "Thank you Milady, Robin Hood , for saving Ginger , my little sister. " she smiled. Ginger looked at her friend and her school uniform. She sighed "I'm scared Darren...""What wrong kid?" Someone teased. "Didn't you died?" Yami punched Bakura in the stomach as he walked past him, making the white hair man double-over. "Leave them be; we're not in the mood. They're fine; They just scared."  "Are you ok, Yami?" They asked. He glanced at them; a smile flickered on Silver's lips."Yes, We're fine. This is something that we have to deal with.""Help," Ulrich said. "Help!" The other man hold on to them."Let go of us!"  June , Yumi and Ginger yelled, mostly out of shock. He smirked." Let him go!" Rosella  said; her voice dark. They looked... different somehow. That's when Yugi and June noticed the glowing eye on the center of her forehead. He was pale, if that was possible, and slackened his grip on them. They slipped out from underneath him, quickly running behind her for comfort. The eye faded as Rosella exhaled and closed her eyes. "Never harm her!" She said as she hold on to Rosella.  But they stood up. Darren gasped " Justin?" he gasped as he saw Rosella and her friend closing their eyes. "Rosie!" they hold to Yami and Silver, not wanting Rosella or Justin to leave them. They gasped in amazement. Their white shirts, shoes, his pants, her skirt, and their undergarments are stripped leaving their bodies naked as the water cocooned them, the cocoon fell away two different people stood before them. They fainted. They'd transformed. The people before them was one a woman with long cape coming from her back, the same color as the sea. She was dressed in light blue sleeveless  crop top with long teal armbands. She wore tight fitting teal and blue mini ball skirt, thigh-high boots with silver pearls and a slight heal. Her skin was deeply tanned, her eyes were a hypnotic ice blue, their gaze stunning and spearing, under her teal bird mask. The eyes were rarther narrow and had black eyeliner around them, her hair was in a ponytail and now blue. Stand next to her is a man wearing a blue sleeveless T-shirt, blue pants which were being held up by a teal belt; his wrists were decorated with seaweed bracelets; hanging off his shoulders was a blue cape; and wearing boots. His skin was deeply tanned, his eyes were a hypnotic dark blue, their gaze stunning and spearing, under his blue long nose mask."I cannot let anyone see the darkness in your heart especially when I cutie honey will not let the princess with her you hurt I will not let you hurt anyone especially your little sister together we shall see anyone who hurts you let's make a sudden vow. I am thou, thou art I... Let us adorn your departure into a soul of a tiger let no one took or like no one take away anyone again." "Let no one take away your brother or anyone again.Especially when your true love it's trying to protect you I am the prince Coco to protect the sea to protect my true love of the princess of the sea.Contract... I am thou, thou art I... Your heart has been healed let no one take away your soul ever again, especially your true love."  As two saw their new outfits,  a girl wearing a dark purple cavalier hat with a feather plume tucked into a royal purple hatband, a long-sleeved pale pink blouse with a white neck jabot (held there by a red gem pin), a black corset vest with gold buttons, bloomers that match her hatband, black pantyhose, a holster belt carrying ammo and lace-up pumps. Her mask and gloves are black and violet, respectively and a boy wearing a princely pure white royal outfit with red accents and a red, long-nosed mask runs to them. "Hi!""Nice outfits." Yami said. "Hi, Yo.""Cute." Silver said, glancing over at them, her eyes full of confusion. That is when one spotted Justin, her eyes lighting up again. "Oh! New heroes! You smell amazing!" she said, tackling them in a bear hug. Rosella yelped in surprise as she fell to the floor."Yami- help me! I- can't- breath-!" They gasped as Holi crushed them in a deadly bear hug. Silver pulled her off Rosella, throwing her aside, sending her flying across the room into the opposite wall. Yami stood, walking over to Holi. Silver's eyes were cold and serious. Holi looked up, wiping blood off from the corner of her mouth."Aww... Guys, don't be so mean. I-""Why take a sudden interest," Yami asked, interrupting Holi, "in her boyfriend? He is not some toy you can play around with." Silver said. Holi stood, walking past them. She walked up to Justin and pushed Rosella to the side, wrapping her arms around him. "Why, Justy is now my toy, my heart." She said looking back at . "I want him, new models are so tasty." She said as she trailed a finger along his chin. His face paled. "Your... HEART?!" Rosella screeched. She pulled Holi off him, holding her up by the collar of the dress with one hand. She pointed to him with her free hand. "Do you see your collar, you succubus witch? NO!!" Her anger has grown , and her persona was a woman short and messy red hair and red eyes. She is clothed in one piece costume featuring a red top that shows a cleavage, white elbow length gloves and boots, and a back bottom side. Her accessories like the choker and arm band also change to white. "Now LEAVE!!!" She threw Holi at the window; the glass shattered and she fell down a few stories. She was tensed, felling her consciousness slipping. Finally Rosella blacked out, going limp in Yami's arms.

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