Chap 20

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The next thing everyone was complaining at the manager station what they were having the ball last night is this some type of tomfoolery one of them instead now settle down settle down mr. Williams the manager sin what's calm down ourselves what the he stole "He stole my $10,000 earrings!" A rich woman complain. "He stole my $20,000 cufflinks!" An old man said everyone kept complaining on complaining until a young woman screamed. They all right into the princesses room Princess Rosalina why did you scream my jewelry collection is gone you don't mean the blue topaz tiara the sapphire earrings or the gold bands stolen from you they are Priceless artifacts in my boyfriend gave to me Come down rose what on Earth are you wearing his shirt were you having a fun night last night no compared to you why you wearing his shirt and Cape. I'm warm you guys not to bring any Jewels now the jewels Bandit is back Who's the jewel Bandit oh my great-grandfather a long time ago back when this hotel was built A young man named James Wellington fell in love with the Queen of Egypt was Akemi Akemi of Egypt her friends the Priestess in the princess were both were really exceptional their names were Aira and Athena Unfortunately another came into the hotel a king pharaoh of Egypt fell in love with the queen and it won her heart Venice friends came along to a guard and a prince who fell in love with them and they were Head Over Heels unfortunately James did not like it one bit and decided to become the burglar. Over the years he bought his revenge but his revenge took his life and his job but according to he took something of the princess and hid it somewhere in this room That means this is James's old room exactly if you have a pure heart to solve the mystery to find the princess's lost cape claps what did it look like if you knowing it's a rare Sapphire claps with a jewel heart in the center Sapphire it's what makes it different is because she has stunning blue eyes.Well what are waiting for? Let this solve mystery! Hold it ! You're not going to stay in your pajamas are you ? Said the person who's wearing her boyfriend's shirt touche Ginger touche An hour later, both groups were dressed in their normal clothes and went downstairs to talk to Queen Elsa. "Why why why why does this always happen to me?" Elsa asked."Come down my little snow queen,"Jack smiled. "We'll find out who's been stealing all the gets his tools even if it takes Princess Rosella and Prince Justin." "Queen Elsa ,King Jack'."The princess bowed with red and gold dress."Please you may call us Jack and Elsa Now what seems to be the problem?" They asked."What is the worst experience ever! Where is the person who runs the kingdom?" A snooty princess asked only wearing the finest clothes but the princess took one look and they were cheap."I am so sorry we could explain everything," Elsa replied. "Oh your Majesty's I want you to introduce you to the the princess of pyrite opia princess Brianna pyrite topia."The snooty Princes that just nodded her nose but one male."Well aren't you a hottie thinking about marrying me," Brianna told the prince but he was blushing and the princess wasn't in a very good mood. "Calm down princess." Ginger commented. "I think Brianna is my first suspect!" The brunette said."Let's not jump to conclusions for sure but I do know that we have another mystery on our hands"Yumi said. "Oh no you don't not on my watch," A lady said grabbing the two boys and pushing them to the wall. "I have been working here for 35 years and I've been used to work at the castle of one in my own master and I'm not going to let some foolish kids get in my way."" And who are you supposed to be lady?" Ginger joked."I am Freda Flores the security guard around this Castle and I'm not going to let some stupid kids work around here," Freda said throwing the two boys again her boyfriend yelled No one throws my little brother around!""Well I don't care so I both of you just leave it all!"The security cop said and leaving both of the models smirking and I'm not upsetting way."That girl's going to be one heck of a trouble not to mention a second suspect who's the first I'll talk about it later my sugar bun."The two models spoke to each other before they can kiss .June cleared her mouth "So we only know that the ghost will only take the jewels from every rich person I think the best way is to split up and go undercover."Silver said with her idea. "June Yugi Ginger and Darren I want both of you to go undercover as rich little boys and girls and this time don't go near the chocolate fountain because last time it almost got into trouble especially you June Just Don't Go Near it." Silver replied."Ok." They said. "Rosalina since you were the victim of jewel theft someone go undercover as you and you go undercover as someone else and that will be well who else Justin is similar to you you will go uncover has him and he will uncover of you." Silver said."The rest of us for hacking this computer system and find out who or what is stealing a jewels and why great now we all have our assignments and let's go." With June Yugi Ginger and Darren... "Why do I have to wear this dress?" June asked while complained taking in her own outfit, consisting of baby blue form-fitting ball skirt and a white top pillowed almost like a dress near the bottom. Long white gloves with wide ends that curved to points formed sleeves over her shoulders and a large bright blue bow half her size, tied in the back."Almost done adjusting a little bow and done." Yugi said to her tying the bow. His own costume consisted of a plum militaristic style outfit, complete with gold accents, black gloves, knee-high black boots and a purple cape thrown over one shoulder, held with chains and trimmed with fur along the edges."Whoa--" They said.Surprisingly Darren and ginger look something coming out of fairy tail. Ginger wore a long strapless pink and black dress with long matching gloves and a simple purple flats. Gems dangled from her ears and throat and her hair was crowned in silver and pink chains and Darren wore a white, knee-length pants that pillowed from the calf down. His shirt was a sleeveless turtleneck and was dark navy blue, and his sleeves were fabric bunched up from the wrists to the upper arms. Silver legging peeked above his knee-high black and silver boots and a heavy black cape trimmed with lavender fur, elegantly thrown over his shoulder."You two look like out of a storybook" June said." You four look absolutely adorable there's one more thing I will give each of you." Haru said before she put some colorful sashes on each teenager symbolizing each of the family claim. "Each color and family crest of the sash symbolizes your integrity and your royalty status." Goro said."Look outside the window!" Yugi growled."I know those thugs. That Dogfather and his gang,he really is a jerk wad," Ginger told Darren, Yugi, and June. "He really has a crush on her and he'll do anything to fall in love with her.""Isn't he wanted?" June asked her."He was ,until he broken out of jail I heard it on the news last week that jerk wet my sister's clothes." she huffed.Darren snarled at the prince. "I know that guy his name is Prince Belgian Belgian emeralds.""You know that guy Darren," Ginger asked him. "Sounds that you don't get along with him very well." "That prince and his brother fell in love with the same girl," Ulrich muttered. "He was very jealous when he got the princess and he didn't.""I know who will be my suspect." Darren glared at him. "Can we go now?"June asked Ginger."Of course we promise to meet our older siblings there." Cindy said. "Sorry, I'll let you go first."Yugi said holding the door so Ginger and Darren can leave. "You, are such a gentleman."June him a kiss and left. Leaving Yugi blushing and follow her.With Yami, Justin, Silver and Rosella... "Will you hold still? I'm trying to brush your hair," Silver said to her. "Besides I'm is going on uncover with you while our friend and her boyfriend and their friends.""Thanks for doing this undercover Mission with me after all that's what best friends are for right" Rosella told her. "Good point." Silver admitted."You don't think this gown is a little bit too revealing for him to go on uncover in don't you Silver" She asked. "Him too revealing in a one sleeved dark blue dress?" Silver replied. "Heaven's no if I know revealing then it's my boyfriend who's going to go undercover in my gown." "I think the boys are ready come on." Rosella told her. They were surprised to see Hooks and two machines one with a male and one with a female to make sure to go undercover. "Pretty cool huh so who goes first." Haru said."Come on take your-" Before Goro can finish his sentence everyone was fighting. "-time"Before they can finish fighting Yumi blew the horn."Quiet since Rosella was the first one to be robbed I think she can go first." They suggested.She stepped inside the machine which a transform tournament a few minutes later she have been transformed from a female to a male."A perfect look like." Goro said."Next." Haru said and one by one may enter the machine naming perfect results. The teens were looking at the other four teens wearing different clothing. "Perfect!" Goro and Ulrich cried out."Well almost they're still wearing their wardrobe." Yumi said and they were right even though they were transform they were still wearing their clothing."Now what are we going to do? The ball starts in half an hour!"Goro told Yumi."I have an idea but this magic doesn't last forever we got to be back in our bodies and our outfits by the time the clock strikes midnight!" Haru replied."Okay here goes Magic upside down turn our boys outfits into magical gowns." Rosella said and soon the boys outfits have been turned into a beautiful dresses of each one red and gold to dark green and blue."Nice one but what about our outfits?" Silver asked. "We can't go out there looking like this.""Silver just be warm and let me change our gowns into a princely forms!"Rosella said.Soon the gown have been transforming to princely outfits gold and pure blue."This is perfect this is perfect for tonight's ball. I almost forgot my magic is not last forever we must need the ball by the stroke of midnight it's called Cinderella's magic by that time if we don't Come back here that will be permanent forever you better find a way to find your jewels and find it before the stroke of midnight." They all said to her. "Let's go the ball awaits."Yami replied."My king." Silver giggled. Once they left it was down to with two of them.Who smile but blushed. Fortunately the two former thieves push them out giving one a cape and one a shawl. "Yami and Silver forgot his cape her shawl can one of you do me a favor and return these to them." Yumi smiled sheepishly. "Shall we?" Justin suggested. "After you." Rosella smiled. Everyone got it at the main hall and they enter at the main Ballroom. Meanwhile with June Yugi Ginger and Darren, they were checking the snacks."Have you guys try this cheese?" She asked them."Not unless you can try this tasty sandwich it's so yummy." Yugi said."Chocolate." Darren and Ginger said. "Queen Elsa, I love your brand new jewelry," June said Discovering was on the Queens neck it was very very beautiful snowflakes on her ears a beautiful snowflake Tiara and a matching necklace to celebrate. "Very ice queen.""Thank you it's from my husband" Elsa said."It's the only jewelry I have since all the other jalise including a best friend has been stolen." Elsa told them."Something bothers me besides everyone in the room did everyone have her/his Jewels kidnapped" Yugi wondered."Well all the rooms are guarded by every card except princess Brianna her kingdom is very cheap you know and I've been told that pyrite means Fools Gold." Jack suggested."This is starting to bug me so," Darren replied. "Every card guards the room and always protects them but there are five rooms that nothing on it ours the princess the Duke The Prince and the thieves themselves." "Ladies and gentlemen the royal highnesses.The princess of France the prince of Hawaii and the prince and princess of Egypt." The announcer announced. Standing in front of the balcony are the four teenagers at each are dress were perfect the occasion.Yami wore tight-fitting black pants that accentuated every muscle in his legs, and left very little to the imagination. He also wore a red cloak. His black boots were laden with even more buckles than usual, and he even wore a neck belt to complete the ensemble. To turn heads even further, Silver, walking at his side, was arrayed in the different attire; tight-fitting gold and red long mermaid skirt and sleeveless black and blue top, together with the blue shawl, and the neck belt. Her heels were the same as Yami's and had the same amount of buckles. Rosella wore a dark green dress with the chest and skirt carved out. The chest and skirt are covered in a blue mesh of silk. There were a pair of elbow length gloves that went with the dress and a teal shawl. Justin wore dark blue suit with black gloves and black leather pants. It had a black button up shirt with a light blue cape. Meanwhile, the others were in the library."What kind of person goes into other people's rooms but doesn't take the only person who doesn't have any jewelry." Ulrich said. "I think someone is behind all of this and I think they're in cahoots". Goro said. " What doesn't it have any jewelry left unless Justin has Akechi's wedding ring the one that Athena gave to him." Yumi said. " We got to warn them! Quickly to the ballroom!" With Ginger, Darren and the duelist..."Does she look cute when she's fast asleep?" June asked as she looked at her. the black cape Darren wore was now wrapped around her, who was now asleep and curled up in the futon, using Yugi's cape as a pillow."She looks cute when she's asleep." Yugi told her. Then June heard footsteps then they saw two teenagers one was dressed in a black-leathered vest that stopped above his naval with a red colored shirt underneath wrapping tightly around his chest, revealing those stunning features of his. He wore tight, white pants that shaped and curved his legs, showing off the strong, masculine power of his legs and to go perfectly with the leather clothing were a pair of leather shoes that shone under the light of the sun. As for Yumi, her dress was a magnificent, silky plum purple color that wrapped around her chest and ran down to her flats and a pink colored choker around her neck. "Hey guys you wouldn't know anything about a golden wedding ring with a heart-shaped design wouldn't you?" they asked."No." They replied."Well according to something the wedding ring that was on his finger belong to a prince that died that was given to his princess!" Haru retorted. "Meaning?" Ginger said as she rolled up her eyes when she woke up from someone screaming."So he's going to be robbed along with his girlfriend that wedding ring is going to be announced tonight tonight is anniversary of their running away and how they got engaged!" Ulrich glared. "Well then where's the ring right now?" June asked. While everybody was dancing the queen king and Princess stood up to the microphone with her fiance. "Welcome everyone to the anniversary of Princess Athena and Prince Akechi It's been said that every 5,000 years tradition has been supposed to be passed down to father to son from mother to daughter and today two remaining descendants will pass down their wedding ring to the loving daughter and son." When the queen made her announcement someone screamed."I warned you about stealing my wife's ring now he owns my life then everyone else to leave this place before the stroke of midnight or else your whole lives will be at stake!" You're the man in old clothes and disappear in a puff of smoke.Everybody run out of the ballroom and soon was dead as a blank. Princess Rosalina and queen Silver were in front of the empty Ballroom. They question each other the princess wonder why did everybody run away doing that with her gloved fingers twirling around her long brown hair The pink hair girl lifted up her skirt and questioned herself again this time while sitting on one of the staircase questioning about it. "Princess Rosalina Something Fishy is going around here," Silver glared. "I mean this is strange leaning everybody in the ballroom blank and now ghost this is more Stranger than I thought."Rosalina saw something underneath the silk she lifted the silk and use it as a cloak seeing that underneath your two beautiful wedding rings one of gold and one pure bronze. "Silver come take a look at these beautiful wedding rings." she told her.Silver had a smile on her face and started to hug her best friend tightly"You're a genius!" She yelled and she let go her best friend and she started to Breathe Again. "These are the same anything not I forgot you are Athena aren't you.""I just miss him since ancient Egypt but what can I do now that he's gone and his friends Pharaoh Atem and Garud Ra are gone forever." Rosella suggested.Suddenly they heard something struggling underneath the curtain "What was that? Grab the suit of armor I have a plan. Where we going to get the suit of armor for just the weapons you see."So the two teenagers one behind a curtain and they struggle or what's under was their boyfriends and they were blushing as two little children. "Sorry guys looks like the bottoms empty looks like we don't have a ball it's not perhaps we can make our own ball" The princess was surprised to see her best friend saying that with the surprising music the princess Waltz to the music. 

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