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  *ENICO POV* (Don't be scared to comment!)

  "Zoey! So help me Percy Fazson, get down from there!" I shout up at Zoey.

Zoey has a snow-white face, cherry red cheeks, the rest if her body is a light peach, but her black hair, now with red streaks, is put up in buns on the top her head. The only human part of her left. She has a puffy white dress on with yellow and red trimming, which she despises.

"No! I need to take down the security cameras like Reylora (A/N Reylora Ra-lore-a) said too!" Zoey spit back still shaking on the beam, which is near a security camera.

My eye twitches, "Reylora! Get your animatronic butt over here and help Zoey! Christ!"

  A minute later Reylora stomps into the room, sounding angry but looking worried, and I know that can't be good.

  "Whats wrong Rey?" I ask.

  Reylora is a light lilac, except around her face which is white, her eyes are a weird brown-blue and her dark hazel hair is braided curling around her neck, her only human quality. She wears a white leotard and pink tutu which she hates might I add. She, just like Zoey, has cherry-red spits on her cheeks, but she also has cherry-red lips.

  As soon as she opens her out Funtime Travvy runs in and screeches, "Security Guards!"

  Zoey's eyes widen as she falls off the beam and lands on her head, black goop starts to run out of her ear.

  "Get that fixed," I say turning to Travvy. "Get everyone to their stages. Quickly."

  He nods and starts yelling for Annabeth, a moment later a low mumbling goes through the Pizzeria and a discord of metal feet erupts in the Pizzeria and soon everyone is on their stage. Except for Jangle, myself, Dioden, HedgeMare and Sobbing Octavin.

  I move up into the vents with Annabeth. Every other screwed-up animatronic goes into a secret compartment in the wall, near the napping area. Kind of a freaky place to put a hidden room if you ask me, but of course, no one did.

  "Anna!" I whisper-shout as I crawl down the vent, dislocating my legs. Great, this is gonna be the third new pair of legs this month!

  "What Nico?" She asks calling me my nickname, as I did her.

  "Can you see the guards?" I ask as she comes into view.

  "No, " She shakes her head making a faint ringing sound. "But from what I heard from their conversion outside the girl with the pixie cut is violent and whiny."

  "Anyone else?"

  "A boy with blonde hair, a boy that's pretty buff, another boy with kool-aid stains on his mouth, (I know what kool-aid is. I live in a birthday party Pizzeria after all.) and one more girl, she seemed shy."

  I give her blood red rotary phone head a disappointed look. "Okay, thanks for your help. I'm gonna go down and hide in the shadows."

  Annabeth coughs, making the phone on her head move a little and points at my back. Right, no legs. I give her a thankful smile and proceed to crawl out of the vent, I think I'll go for humanoid legs this time. Maybe Reylora or Marizel (A/N Marizel Mary-za-el) have some extra legs laying around.


As I finally heave myself out of the vent I make a cracking noise I hit the floor, indicating my other arm has fallen out. I cuss and inch down the hallway, leaving black gloop behind me.

  I make lots of noise but eventually, I make it to the part room and look around, that is until I spot stark white arms with black fingerless gloves it seems and legs that were originally for Marizel, blue legs with stark white feet. They were thrown out and they instead gave her black and white striped legs with red feet.

I smile at the pieces and manage to get on the left arm with my mouth so I can put on the right arm and legs. Soon I have all of the parts on.

I walk over to a mirror, adjusting to the new parts. As I look in the mirror I realize, I look human. You can't see my machine marks as long as I wear a sweater and real jeans, the only thing noticeable is my missing eye.

I look around until I find an old Foxenia (A/N Foxenia Fox-en-e-ah) eyepatch. I find an old gray sweater and baggy purple pants. Horrible outfit combination though, the pants should be orange. Either way, I put them on, and lucky the pants cover my feet.

  "Perfect." I practically purr as I put on the patch and walk out the door. Now I can spy on the new guards.

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