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*Wills Benedict POV* (Can ghosts die? The answer is yes. YES. THEY. CAN.)

I sit waiting on the ground for Nico, I hate the nap area. The lights are constantly flickering on and off, making the glow-in-the-dark stars emit a weird lemon-like glow instead of a green one.

I shiver, and then I hear a thud.

Getting up, though Nico told me to stay put, I go over to look.

Laying face down, arms and legs twisted in odd directions is a boy my age, kinda looks like a paper, uglier, meaner version of me.

His shirt is dyed dark red and a pool of it is coming from his face it seems and his torso.

Against everything, in my body, I turn him over and vomit at the sight.

There is a giant gnash going from his collarbone to a tab below is the stomach. Not just that, his eyes were gouged out, leaving bleeding pits and broken sockets. (A/N Yay! Dead Octopus! Who wants some calamari? *maniacal laughter*)

This was Ox... or what her his real name is.

It's time I get Thalia, we need not have to leave. This has gone too far.


"Thalia!" I scream, running into the sister room,

"What Will?" She asks turning around to me. She is repairing an animatronic, Reylora I believe.

"We have to go. I just found a dead body and Charles and Poppy are missing and..." I catch my breath, "WinterTrap, whoever that is, is loose."

"What?!" Reylora screams.

Thalia looks at her unamused, "What did I say? Now I have to reattach the arm. Geez."

"Sorry, WinterTrap is the one that killed all of us. If any of your human friends are alone we're in trouble."

"Figures." Thalia turns to me, "See Will? This is the way we don't go in creepy, haunted-"

"Hey!" Reylora interjects though Thalia ignores her.

"-and abandoned buildings." She finishes. "So who else knows? Because you do, I obviously know, and Charles and Poppy know."

"Just Dakota I think. But we can't tell him, another person worried about this crap is dangerous."

"Now that I think about it... were is Dakota?"


*Dakota POV*

  It's... dark. I hear metal scratching and it smells damp.

  "Well a new guard aye? You know... I really hate people like you. Thinking that looking at machines all night will make a difference, pathetic."

  I feel a horrible stinging sensation on my torso. I try to scream but I've been gagged. What have I gotten myself into?

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