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  *Percy POV* (Say Something is on the top. I just love that song like sjdjkelh)

  "Yes, we have heard of knocking we just don't care." The human girl, Poppy says.

"Balover Boy is dead. Maybe we should try consulting the sister side, or the ghosts or the closeters. They have lost fewer people and with WinterTrap... maybe getting along with Dioden, Frank, and Enico is a good idea." Marizel says bowing her head, not wanting to look at me, smart girl.

"Then you set up a meeting, last time I tried to get them all in one room HedgeMare tried killing Jangle because someone..." I look at Luka, who is sneaking the back way, "Spilt Kool-Aid on Dioden."

"Y-Yes, sir." Marizel begins to shuffle out when I grab her whispering: "Make sure to grab Blondie. He can be used as leverage against the guards, if you can't get him-" I lean in close to Poppy can't hear me, "-get the flower girl." I let her go and she runs out.

  "P-Percy? Is it wise to be cruel to Enicos adopted sister? I-I mean Marizel, Enico and Reylora are a group of siblings, scary siblings." Annabeth says clutching my arm, "Is it wise to get on their bad side? Even Travy and PipPip can be horrifying. Plus we're down two people. We need to be more careful."

  I smile at Annabeth saying, "That's my wise girl." I kiss her head, and if she could blush she is because she puts her hands on her rotary phone head, in the place where her face would be. In other words, she puts her hands to the dial wheel.

*Enico POV*

  I sit in the napping rooms basement, frightened by what Marizel said: "He's coming for you next."

What am I to do? Sit around and wait for Bianca to come and murder me? It's not like I can leave this place either, it must be part of whatever magic brought us back. I think the keeping us here apart is the worst, doomed to stay in the place while the world still moves forward without you.

(A/N GUYS. Recently I learned that the original Freddy's Pizzeria from the game was located in Hurricane, Utah. So that's where this is apparently.)

  While I sit I wonder wether she will try torturing me first. Like Connet. Killing everyone close to me before I decide I won't run anymore.

  Is that what I'll be reduced to? Will my crush on the human boy make me weak? Will I be reduced to any of her weak victims? Is she cutting us down so she may make easier targets? What will she do when she finds Thalia? Or Charles?

  Or Frank? What would she do to Frank? They used to date, before she killed him though. I think that's the one thing both of them remember. But why that? Is it a clue? Something that will help us? Or is it just some discarded memory that was kept to tear him apart inside?

  Before I can think more on my epiphany I am interrupted by:

"Nico!" Poppy screams running into the room.

"What flower girl?" I ask standing.

She huffs at the nickname, "First, haha. Very funny. Second, Percy is planning on getting Will."

That is not okay.

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