I Didn't Stop

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My legs were aching, my chest and hair dripping with sweat, multiple muscles pulling at the same time. I had started crying at some point and those tears mixed with my sweaty body. Then those tears turned into yells of anger and frustration. Everything hurt and screamed for me to stop. Who cared about perfection? Just finish half way like everything else in this terrible world.

But I didn't stop.

Blood flowed from somewhere. Whether it was from a popped vein or my eyes, I don't know. I didn't care.

My vision became restricted, glued on the life I was creating. The earth was shaking or I was. I was putting all my energy into this and I wasn't about to stop. Never!

Then I felt it. One by one each thing, each bone, breaking slowly and painfully. My body seemed to be sucking itself dry...

...but I wouldn't stop.

Something popped in my head. It was Hallo holding my shirt pulling me closer. How I thought about those lips and the way she thought I had a chance.

And then it worked.

And I fell.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now