Chapter 1

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The day was normal; bright, yet, dull. "BEEP! BEEP!" Kim Sue Lin's alarm went off. "JESUS, SHUT UP ALREADY!!" She exclaimed, almost breaking the poor alarm clock.

What a way to start the freaking morning. Cursing in her head, she ran downstairs to greet her father."Morning honey," He greeted her with a warm smile.

She hummed in response. "Do I really have to go back to this stupid excuse of a school?"

Her father stared at her with a surprised expression. "Of course you do! You don't have a choice."

"If mom was still here, she would tell me to follow my dreams and do whatever I would have liked."

As she was speaking, her father tightened his vintage tie. "Well, she's not here, now is she?" He stated.

That's right. She isn't.
That's because she was killed a long time ago by a serial killer.

Sue Lin, trying to keep herself calm, stuffed her mouth with her pancakes and fried eggs.

Finishing off her breakfast, she changed her clothing into something cute, chic and comfortable, like this:

Finishing off her breakfast, she changed her clothing into something cute, chic and comfortable, like this:

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She dashed out of the door, almost forgetting her backpack. "BYE DAD!" she shouted hastily, running into the streets.

Sue Lin's POV

Ugh, this damn school again? Why can't I just graduate now?
I thought, feeling as if I was in a prison. I walked through the halls and I strolled to the nearest bench, when someone with big hands back-hugged me and shouted with a husky voice, "I missed ya, Sue!"

{Author's Note}
This is the very first chapter (obviously) But, ofc, I'll bring more! Please tell me of your opinions so far, so that I can fix anything you need me to! Thank you so much for reading! HEARTU~💗

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