Chapter 5

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"What. The. Fricking. Hell." I exclaimed, staring at their mouths. This cannot be real. As they closed their mouths, they stared at me in shock, as they didn't expect me to say that. But trust me, I could've said something even worse than that. I wanted to run so badly, but my legs didn't let me. So I let out a long sigh, fixed my ragged hair and stared at them calmly.

Tae's POV

She stared at me straight in the eyes as she asked,"Wouldn't you have bitten me by now, because of the thirst?"
Jimin and I chuckled, and I brushed my fringe with my finger. "Oh, you have no idea how much I've wanted to do that,  Lin." I smirked.
"But, the question is," I zoomed to her using vampire speed, and held her waist.

"Would you let me?" I whispered into her ear.

Sue Lin's POV

I was completely shook. How did he do that? How is he so fast? And why, of all things, was he holding my freaking waist? These questions circled around my mind, but the more I thought about it, the more red my cheeks became.

Thankfully, he let go of my waist and strolled back to his original space. "Do you guys burn in the sun?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Nope, that's only in fairy tales." I pouted. Aw, that would have made it more cool though.

Mysteriously, Jimin's hair changed its color. He now looked confused, while his hair was a blossom pink. "Why can't I read your mind?" he mumbled.

"Is that a skill of yours?" I questioned.
He nodded. "Yeah, usually I would be able to read humans' minds," The pink-haired boy put on a confused facial expression and brushed his hair back in frustration.

"But, somehow, I can't read yours,"

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