Chapter 21

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As we walked into the darkness of the night, I heard the rest laughing and playing around while I looked at the atmosphere. It was beautiful. The palm trees danced along with the breezy, cold wind, and the twinkling stars and the silver moon shone brightly, covering the Earth in it's soft, calm light.

I felt relaxed. But..
I was hungry.
I started to feel a bit dizzy, and I could smell blood in the air.
"Uh, guys? A little help here?" I questioned, trying not to growl at them like I usually do when I'm hungry.

I covered my nose to control my surprisingly amazing sense of smell, and the temptations around me.

"Guys. Guysss..."
"GUYS!!" I shouted frantically, not removing my hand from my nostrils.

They looked at me and blinked. "Oh, right. Let's go hunting. Lina is starting to get a little hungry, and I don't her to bite someone's head off." Diamond joked.
I chuckled nervously, rubbing the nape of my neck.

"Lina, you're coming with me tonight," Tae smiled his usual boxy grin and grabbed my wrist as we dashed off.

I could tell he was happier and excited about something, and I wanted to know why, but I kept quiet. Eventually, we were in the middle of the forest together. I got a fresh smell of blood as I sniffed the air.

The air smelled like chocolate and cinnamon. Chocolate and cinnamon..I think that's the smell for a lion? Eh, it's better than nothing.

Tae, as if reading my thoughts, warned, "Don't go eat that lion, Lina. Lions are hard to hunt." Then he sighed, and started again. "But...If you wanna eat that lion, I'll help."
He winked at me playfully.

My eyes alighted with excitement as I smiled a bunny grin. "Thanks so much Tae Tae!"
He returned the warm smile. "Anytime."

I heard some roars in the distance to the north, so Tae gave me a piggyback ride, and he said that I was the "captain". After a little while of searching, we found the wild lion. We hid in nearby trees from above.

I leaned forward, wanting to go, but Tae put his hand in front of my collarbone, stopping me in my tracks.
"Be patient." I huffed impatiently, pouting as my hunger got to me.

Finally, after a long 5 minutes, the lion slept peacefully on the lush, green grass. I'm so sorry, but I need to eat.

I landed with a soft thud, my legs taking in the fall as I landed. Quietly, I was on my knees, in front of the lion.

I bit into the lion's skin, taking in the tasty meal I was having.

"Lina...LiNa...LINA!!" Tae shouted, knocking me out of my trance. "You almost sucked all of it out!"


"Sorry, Tae!" I apologized quickly, bowing at a 90 degree angle. As I bowed, Tae ruffled my hair with a chuckle. "Why are you you so formal?"
I smiled out of embarrassment. "I find it cute."

We walked through the forest when I got a strange feeling in my neck. It was a tingling sensation.

The sensation got stronger by the minute.
"My neck, it feels..weird."
"Lemme see."
Tae examined my neck, all the way to the location he bit. He accidentally touched the bite softly, and it turned into a light blue heart. I felt the sharp, yet calm sensation flow through my veins.

"Tae, what did you do?"
"I-I don't know.."
His husky voice turned soft in a confused way, and he stuttered a little.

I sighed, shrugging off the fact that something weird happened. "Wanna go back?" I enquired, resting my hands in my pockets.
Tae shrugged. "Why not?"

Somehow, I felt more...alert, after that weird sensation. I didn't know what the hell it was, and I was curious to find out.

"Jimin!" I heard Diamond in the background. Muffled as her voice was, I still heard the confusion, anger and concern in her voice.
Something is wrong.

I felt a tingling sensation, but I heard a rustling not far behind me, and I turned my back swiftly. Two dark hands reached out, as if to grab Taehyung swiftly. Wait, no. They weren't hands. I squinted my eyes further, and the world seemed to suddenly slow down.

The hands were....claws?

As I went quicker, it seemed like the environment did the opposite. "Tae! Watch out!" I screamed, as I barrel rolled behind him, gripping his bomber jacket tightly. I need water. I suddenly reminded myself. Looking around frantically, I eyed a water bottle in Tae's pocket. That could work.

The water bursted through the not completely closed cap, and into my palms. I froze the claws just in time, as they were a few inches away from my feet. I breathed a sigh of relief, my body limp on the lush grass.

I looked back at Taehyung, who stayed in the same standing stance as before, not moving. I frowned. "Tae? Taehyung?? Answer me!" Then suddenly I got a shaky feeling in my legs, and a lump forming in my throat.

I stood up, and I looked at his face. "No. No, no, no." Anger and pain took over my head. Turns out, I wasn't looking at Taehyung, at all.

I protected a statue, who just stood there, staring back at me, with no emotion.

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