Chapter 7

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{Author's Note }
Hey guys, I know I'm late. I usually post daily, but I felt lazy. Hopefully this'll make up for it. Thanks for being patient!

Suelin's POV

How are you in my head? Don't tell me you're another vampire.
He chuckled as if to say he was impressed.
"How did you know?"
Let's just say that I've had experiences.

Walking out of the dance classroom, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I was walking along the empty hallway when I felt something sharp sliced my on my wrist.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath when I saw blood oozing out of my skin. I darted to the bathroom as quick as I could, not realizing the red liquid drop to the floor.

If Tae or Jimin sees me, I'm dead for sure. That thought ran through my head continuously, making me panic. As I reach the sink, I reach my hand out and let water run on my injured hand.

I sighed in relief as I washed the wrist and wrapped it in toilet paper. But then, someone grabbed it and I winced. It was Taehyung.

I looked back, silently hoping he'd let me go. But there was one thing I'd forgot. Vampires can smell blood.

His brown eyes stared into my soul as he breathed, "Why are you hiding?" But then he looked down at my wrist, realizing the answer to his question. "Shit!" He covered his nose, and stepped away.

His eyes quickly changed color to a strange dark blue and he removed his hands from his nose, smiling.

He zoomed towards me and stared at my wrist. My eyes widened.

"You're not going to, are you? Kim Taehyung, back away from me." I stated, my body shaking. "Taehyung! Stop!" His face was a centimeter away from my wrist. "Taehyung!" I now was screaming, as he revealed his sharp fangs and bit me in the injured spot.

TwilightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang