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"Well? Young lady, I do not tolerate such a behavior of bullying another student indirectly."

"I-..I apologize, Mr. Johnson. It won't happen again," You bowed your head down, feeling your cheeks flush in embarrassment.

You heard him sigh in both annoyance, and disappointment, "I expect it to never be repeated, but as a punishment, you are to attend detention after school for 20 minutes."

Even your own friends couldn't believe his surprising statement. You could've sworn your eyes would've popped out of your head if they had a chance. Lifting up your head rapidly, you stared at him through your pleading eyes and quivering lips.

"D-Detention! But sir, won't it affect my grade whatsoever? Please, I'll do extra work just don't give me-"

"Hey Tampon girl!"

Your head snapped to the direction of the voice, and you mentally cursed under your breath. Looking back up to continue your pleading, you found that even your teacher's attention was glaring at the new kid. He didn't seem to mind anyway, almost as if he's expecting him to react.

"Mr. Kay, detention for direct name-calling. 20 minutes after school along with little miss not-so-perfect." He pushed himself off the desk he was leaning against, and walked back to his desk.

Your friends watched as you froze on your spot, mouth agape with widened eyes. You couldn't bring yourself to accept the conclusion, that the new, and aggravating kid, will be greeting you with one of his signature smirks after school, and having to cope hearing his smug remarks for 20 minutes. You averted your gaze from the ground, and turned to meet his eyes. Surprisingly, you found him staring at you as well, but the smirk never faltered from his face. It was like a tattoo of his.

The rest of class seemed like a blur, the sound of each lectures came seemed to be fading away from you. You still payed little bit of attention nonetheless, not wanting to result to a greater punishment. Your friends noticed your sudden quiet behavior, which was least expected since you'd say a thing or two. But today, you absolutely said nothing, not even the softest mumble.

You were evidently upset today, beginning from the embarrassing incident between your bag, the laughter from the hallway, and now, spending time with the same student that had caused all of your problems in detention. All you wanted now, was Alec. Yes you'd known him for a little time, but he had comforted you better than anyone ever had. He soothed you to the point that you floated in to the air... Well that was over-exaggerating but it was true. If he was here, maybe he'd help relax you from your pilled up predicaments.

Though it just hit you, that during detention, you absolutely have no access to contact him. You still had his phone number, so maybe you could give him a call later.

Your flooding thoughts completely drained out of your brain, as you heard the final bell ring. You timidly packed your things, as your friends gave you small pats, and signals to call them later, before they left. Zipping up your bag, you marched to Mr. Johnson's desk, and almost immediately Robbie came up as well. Even at a time like this, he had the slightest /nerve/ to smirk. How you badly wished to push him off the bridge.

"Young lady, you may sit up front left, new boy, sit at the very back, right. You may finish your homework, read, or just sit around. But not a word from either of you."

Letting out a small sigh, you turned to your left to sit on the said seat. Your 'enemy' on the other hand, nonchalantly chewed his gum on the way to his seat. Turning your head away from him, you pulled out your homework for Mrs. Hudson's science class, and began jotting down the answer to each trivia.

Halfway through, you were positive you heard a faint music playing in the background. Distracted, you whipped your head in all the directions, only to find the said 'jerk face' listening to his loud music. You were quite confused to why Mr. Johnson couldn't hear.

Or maybe because of his old age.

Attempting to block out all distractions, you rapidly finished your science homework, even if his music seemed to grow louder and louder.

Before you knew it 20 minutes has passed, and you were more than elated to leave the room and just run home. Rushing to put your things back inside, you swung your bag on your shoulder, and began walking out of the room.


You turned your head to meet the recognized voice. He was leaning against the lockers on his side, arms crossed, and standing with his legs forming the number four.

"What now?" Your voice was laced under a venomous tone, obviously seen that you've had enough of him for the day.

He pushed himself off the lockers, and walked over towards you. He lifted up his hand and thwacked your forehead, earning a loud 'Ow!' from yourself.

"You're cute. I like messing with you."

With a sly smile playing on his lips, he walked off and out of the building, while you were busy rubbing your pained forehead.

'You're cute. I like messing with you.'

Idiot kid. He's just plain awkward and annoying. You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder, thinking it was Mr. Kay again, you were 2 seconds away from slapping him, but just in time, your hand stopped once you've figured who it was.

"Is that a sincere way to greet a friend?" He chuckled, you slowly retreated you hand and blushed lightly.

"Sorry, I-I just had a tough day.."

He lazily slung an arm over your shoulder, as he pulled you towards the exit of the building. Your protests and his laughs filled the empty hallways. As he walked you back home, you almost completely forgot why you were upset in the beginning.

Taming the Tattooed BoyWhere stories live. Discover now