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Using bestfriend's WiFi

The boys finally came home to see you and Brandon cuddled up on the couch watching tv. "What're we watching." Austin says hopping onto the couch. You both look at him, trying to answer but he sees something directly on your neck.

"Did you get hit in the neck or something?" Zion says after seeing it too.

Suddenly the boys caught a glimpse of it. "I'm gonna go with or something." Nick commented.

"That's a hickey!" Edwin screams.

You just woke up from a late night with Edwin....if you know what I mean. You only had a t-shirt and no underwear. You put on some shorts and walked out the room only to see the boys watching tv. "Good morning." Austin greets.

"Good morning boys." You rubbed your face.

"How was your night?" Nick asks in a snarky tone.

"It was fine." You answer dully.

"I mean she doesn't have to explain much. The hickey tells the story." Zion pokes your neck, you swat his hand away and cover it embarrassed.

"Shut up!" You stormed off.

You were walking around the house eating and dancing. Until Brandon sees you and joins in. After pulling you close he stops and sees the hickey. "(Your name)!"


"You - you have a hickey!"


"Did Austin give that to you?"

"Duh, who else?"

"No, my precious children. You're not supposed to give or get hickeys!"

"Jeez dad calm down." You say sarcastically.

"Austin!" Brandon charges into Austin's room and starts beating him with a pillow.

"Ready to go babe?" Nick says taking the luggage out.


"Hurry up we have to catch the plane." You walk out the bathroom. "What's wrong?"

"I need to put my makeup on."

"You look fine. You're going to go to sleep anyway so I don't think you —."

"Not for my face Nick. For my neck." You show him a hickey. "Gosh that's huge."

"Thanks jerk." You punch his arm.

You walk out the room after changing but you didn't really change into much. You had on some jeans and Zion's hoodie with the hat on. "Don't you know it's hot outside?"

"Yeah." You say blankly.

"Don't you think you need to change?" He came close to you pulling his jacket.

"You don't want me wearing your jacket, do you?"

"No baby. That's not the case. You're going to get hot."

"Fine." You then took off the jacket and he noticed the hickey on your neck.

"Never mind put that hoodie back on before someone sees it."

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