your prank your break up ♡ ZION

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"Zion isn't going to like this prank." You shivered in fright. "Come on (your name) this is going to be to good. His reaction is going to be priceless and we get to see him cry." Edwin laughs slightly. "I think the only person that is going to enjoy this so much is Edwin." Brandon grins. "Honestly I just want see what's going to happen that's why I'm in on it." Nick fold his arms. "Alright lets do this. The more we wait the more I feel my stomach hurting and my heart ready to crush. What if he says he feels he same."
"Don't think that (your name). He would never. He would want you to stay with him." Austin put his hand on your shoulder. "He would bawl on the floor begging for you not to go." You smiled and assured yourself that he wasn't going too leave you. Later on in the day, you get ready for the prank. You sit on the couch waiting for the boys to come home. The door open and your heart dropped. "Hey babygirl!" He yells running to give you a hug. Though you didn't hug back. "What's wrong?"
"We need to talk."
"We can leave." Edwin said. "No you don't have too. This is just going to be quick. I hate to do this —." You sigh. "We need to break up." You looked into Zion's eyes and saw his eyes tear up. You heard his heart shatter. "W-why?"
"We – we lost what we had." You began to cry. You knew it was a prank but you felt his pain. "Why? Do you not love me anymore?" He asks. "No. Zion. I don't." You began to walk away but Zion cried pulling you back. "(your name), please don't leave me." He hugged you tightly as you tried to pull him off. "Let go Zion." You whisper. "I can't. I need you in my life. You can't do this to me. I can't live without you. We said we were going to be together forever." The boys began to cry as they watched what was happening. "Caleb." He knew it was serious when you said his name. "Do you love me?"
"With all my heart."
"Would you still love me if I told you this was a prank." He sniffed. "What?" "It's a prank baby." You giggle. "Aaaaahhhhhhh!!! We got you!" The boys screamed. "You all were in this too!? I hate you. I love you! But I hate that you made me feel like this." He hugs you tightly as you hug him back. "

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