what you don't like about him

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Brandon: blast music everywhere.
Everywhere you went Brandon was playing music out loud and have the boys dance. You would sometimes join but when it was too embarrassing you'll walk away like you don't know them.

Edwin: takes your phone and runs off with it.
You'd be with him walking around probably like at a mall or somewhere and he'll snatch your phone. Something he took from Zion screaming, "boonk gang! Whole lotta gang shii."

Austin: when he falls he'll grab you and you'll fall. His clumsy self would have probably tripped over his shoe or your shoe or one of the boys tripping him. If you're next to him he'd grab onto you for support. Sometimes you'll be ready but other times, you'll be on the ground face first.

Nick: grabs your butt in public.
He does it a lot. When you're not paying any attention and/or talking to someone he'll smack it hard causing you to freak out. You'll push or punch him and get irritated and embarrassed.

Zion: boost you every time you walk.
When your wearing some jeans or bottoms that have your butt going left to right he'll start with "damn girl, that ass fat!" as a joke. And you'll tell him to stop. But when he's really loving your outfit he start with, "Babe, why do you look so good.", "you so fine on my momma.". And he'll scream out loud that you're his girlfriend.

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