your biggest fear

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You were pacing back and forth at your laptop planted on your bed. Hyperventilating. You couldn't control your breathing. Brandon knocked on your door. You opened it quickly seeing him. "(Your name) are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in days."
"That's because I haven't."
"Why, is there something going on?" You pull him in closing the door, and headed to your laptop. Turning it towards him, he saw that you had a letter from your dream college.
"I don't want to read it yet." You sigh.
"Because I don't want to read it and find out I failed."
"Don't think that way, babe. You're not a failure."
"I'm just afraid to be a failure. I've been waiting on this my entire life, and now that is happening I – I can't go through with it."
"Babe you are not going to fail. You will never fail. You won't fail me, your parents, the fans, anyone. The only person you can fail is yourself. If they say no, then that means they failed you. There will so many no's in life but there always be that one yes that changes your life."

You and your boyfriend decided to have a little date at the fair. With the boys and their girlfriends. A get together to be more accurate. "Hey (your name) why don't we get on the Ferris wheel?" Nick pointed. You looked up to seeing going all the way up. "I'm gonna have to pass."
"That will be so fun." Austin's girlfriend cheered. "Yeah I think I'm going to have to pass with (your name)" Edwin shivers. "Babe don't be a wimp." His girl friend laughed. "Come on it'll be fun." You both were in the air and you were scared shitless. "Nick. I want to get down." You held unto him tight. "I got you." He says. Your eyes were closed shut. "Opens your eyes princess you're going to miss the view. You open your eyes to see the night lights from afar. It being a beautiful scene. "See?"
"It's beautiful." You gasp. Nick then kisses your cheek. "You're beautiful."

You're afraid of the clowns. The boys had an ironic idea to go to the circus, because you never went. And there that was for one reason. Though before you had a say so on anything you were in the car and up to get your ticket. "I hate this idea." You groan. "Come on (your name) it will be fun. Suddenly clowns began to scatter around in the audience and one tilted its head staring at you. "Oh hell nah!" You yelled throwing your food and ran out the door going to the car. "Let's go to the circus, they said. It will be fun, they said. Yeah fun my ass, when that clown kill them and not me."

Austin has been away for quite sometime now and it's been worrying you that he was never gonna come home. You'd FaceTime him everyday and fall asleep with him on the phone. One day he came home to see you crying. "(You're name) what's wrong?"
"I don't know if I can do this?"
"Do what?"
"This! I hate having to see you leave. I hate being lonely. I'm scared to be lonely. I want to be with you. I really do, but I wanna be with you. Your arms wrapped around me so I can go to sleep peacefully."
"I'm here now." He pulls you in for a hug.

You and Zion decided to go out for a walk just to get away from everyone. He told you to bring a snack so they you both wouldn't get hungry. Suddenly a bird screeches and you duck quickly under Zion. "Oh shit." You whisper. Zion begins to laugh at you. "That's not funny I hate birds." You fold your arms. "I can see." He continues to laugh as a bird plants down in front of you. You try kicking at it several times but it would always come back. "Z do something!" You scream. Then more birds came and swarmed around you. You knew it was going to get crazy. You suddenly ran off with Zion right behind you.

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