a member walks in on you two

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Brandon: Edwin
You and Brandon were in the bed. Having you upper body exposed and Brandon under the covers. Suddenly Edwin barges in. "Brandon, Zion said —." He stops.

"Edwin!" You scream and you cover your self. Brandon gets from up under the covers.

"Seriously. You wanna do that here? With everyone home. Get a room."

"You're in it!" You spat.

"Okay, find another place to stay."

Edwin: Nick
"That was crazy good." Edwin exhaled.

"Mhm." You say back.

"Round 3?" He requests. You nod you head and turn towards Edwin on his lap kissing him.

"Are you guys done!?" Nick burst in. You screamed and fell on the opposite side of the bed covering yourself.

"What the hell man!"

"Can you guys just stop already. I can't even sleep in peace with out hearing those disgusting sounds come out of your mouth! God have some respect!" Nick goes out closing the door behind him.

Austin: Zion
you guys were laughing as he was tickling you with his kisses. Things escalated until you were both were shirtless. Suddenly Zion was calling you to go over your verse only to see Austin kissing your breast all the way down to your stomach.

"WHOA!!!!" He stops.

"Oh my god!" You scream covering yourself with Austin doing the same.

"What Zion?" Austin asks.

"You know, we can just go over it tomorrow." Zion stutters and walks away.

"thank you!" You say.

"No problem, and make sure you use protection Austin!"

The mood was gone but you both laughed at it.

Nick: Brandon
You were in the studio together going over somethings. Until things escalated to you sitting on his lap facing him and you both kissing with him rubbing his hands all over your body. Suddenly Brandon pops in and scares you both.
Brandon's face turned red all the at up to his ears. Nick was hiding his face as you turned to see Brandon.

"Can you guys not do it in the studio. Please? This place is sacred."

"Sorry Brandon. Didn't have time to make it to the car." Nick laughs

"Ahhhh!!!! I don't want to hear it. Get out. Or I'll put you out."

"Gosh, I feel like a teenager getting kicked out by her father." You joke.

Zion: Austin
Zion has your hands above your head and his other hand in your pants. Suddenly Austin opened the door only to freak out. "Oh Come On!"

Zion covers you without covering himself (he didn't have on a shirt and you were completely naked) "what Austin?" You both shouted.

"How come I can't use Zion for today. We're supposed to get on Fortnite tonight."

"He's busy."

"Obviously! You know what fine. Keep 'em, he dies all the time anyway."


prettymuch pref. COMPLETE book twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora