savior ♡ NICK

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You're walking down on the side walk on the busiest hour minding your business on your way to work. Though based on what you were wearing you were feeling yourself. You were walking in your red bottoms until the heel broke with your shoe in the middle of the road. You didn't anyone's tire to go flat and didn't want to walk in just one shoe, so you tried to taking it out. You were extremely pissed especially because you got them from Italy. As you were struggling, a drunk driver was driving down hill. You suddenly felt force move you from the car's path. You hit the back of your head on the concrete, but your neck was safe. You look up seeing 6 bodies. Big beautiful brown eyes were looking down at you with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" He asked. You looked around wondering where you were. "Where's my shoe?" You mumbled l. "It's right here in your hand." He pointed at your hand. You went in and out. "Hey hey hey. Stay with me. We need a doctor!" He yells from afar. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Eighteen." He was holding up three. "We need to take you to the hospital." He leans clothes to you trying to pick you up. "Your cologne smells, interesting." You breath in again. "You smell sexy." He then smiles and you black out.

prettymuch pref. COMPLETE book twoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu