your first pet

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Brandon: a monkey. You thought Brandon was crazy for ever wanting a monkey. And he seemed to love dogs. You made sure over and over if he wanted to keep it and he kept saying he wanted to keep it.

Edwin: bunnies. It was love at first sight for the both of you. As you made your way into the pet store a bunny placed it's nose in the glass watching you and him. You knew he was the one.

Austin: a fish. It was a quiet pet and didn't really bother you. Though it wasn't the noise part, it was about what kind of fish. The fish was huge, and you were low key scared of it. It looked like a piranha.

Nick: a hamster. bringing home a hamster was your first choice on getting your first pet. You thought they were so cute.

Zion: a cat. He was a little skeptical about cats. He didn't think you were cat person. When he saw the kitten he actually fell in love because of how cute it was. Which made him forget about the bad things about it.

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