Chapter Twenty Four: Caught In My Own Trap

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"I can't see a damn thing." I hear Ed say beside me.

Everything is black. We can't see anything, just like Ed said. Not even our hands in front of our faces. But that means....neither can Pride.

"Hey, Heinkel. Is that you?" I hear Greed say beside me.

"Yeah," Heinkel answers, "It's me."

"I'm here, too." I say.

"What happened to the power?" Heinkel asks.

"I don't know. But it's saving our asses." Greed says, "Pride can't cast shadows in the dark, and he's as blind as the rest of us."

"So did we get rid of him?" I ask.

"No. He's laying in wait until the lights come back on."

I hear footsteps. Greed starts to walk over to us. He's as helpless as the rest of us. He stumbles over a tree and falls

"Dammit!" He yells.
After regaining his footing, he crouches down beside Heinkel and I.

"Did you notice the shadows coming from Al earlier?" Greed asks.

"Yeah. It's hard to miss those freaky tentacles." Heinkel answers.

"No, not those." Greed says, "He was sticking close to the shadows, which means his actual body is probably just beyond those trees."

"What do you mean, his actual body?"
I ask.

"He has a special container he uses when he's traveling around. I guess you would know him as Selim Bradley."

"Are you kidding me?! Are the entire ruling family Homunculi?" I ask.

"No. Just Bradley and Selim." Greed answers "What I don't understand us how he found us."

"So what do you suppose we do?" I ask.

Together we try and devise a plan. We're running against the clock, because we only have so much time before the slum dwellers turn the lights back on. Then we're done for. Since Heinkel is part lion, he's the only nocturnal one here. He went after Pride. As we sit in the black, we can hear the vicious sounds of Heinkel's claws and teeth digging into Pride.

"I'm going to get Al." Ed says "You guys stay here."

"No, Ed. That's not a good idea." I tell him.

"But I-"

"I know your worried about Al." I cut him off, "We all are."

"She's right." agrees Darius "It'll be safer to let Heinkel deal with Pride first. He could still have Al under his control for all we know. And it'll be safer here.
We need to stick together, so we won't accidentally attack each other in the dark."

Ed grits his teeth. We haven't seen Al in months, and now he's so close to us. I remember how that feels. I'd hate to have Ed go through those same feelings. Greed seems frustrated too, and he's probably in a lot of trouble with the other Homunculi. They catch us, and we're all done.

"Get down, now!" Darius yells.

He swoops in and grabs me, Greed and Ed. We crash to the ground, just as a monstrous figure blasts into the tree were our heads once were. I roll over on my back and sit up a little, concerned about my bow that was thrown out of my hand; a few arrows fell out of my quiver as well, and there was no point in trying to find them in this blackness. The thing that launched itself at us pulls a huge chunk of the tree out with its mouth. That can only be done by one thing. Gluttony.

"Now it makes sense." Greed says "Pride used Gluttony's sense of smell to track us down."

"I smell you, Fullmetal Alchemist!" Gluttony says as he munches on a tree "I can smell Greed and the Arrow Girl! I also smell someone I've never smelled before....and they smell tasty!"

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