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POV Yoongi

I sat at my spot. The one with the best view of the sea.

Dear Ocean,

My father is becoming more strict. He figured out about my trips here to you. And now Jin thinks I'm going to commit suicide by jumping of this cliff. Not that I blame him for being worried. I just don't find it realistic considering I still go back to the castle every time).

But the reason I'm writing to you right now is because I think it will be one of the last times. Why? I'm thinking of leaving. I'd love to experience something. Perhaps an adventure that would change my life for the best. Not that my life is bad. Just...suffocating?

But it scares me at the same time. Because leaving means not seeing Jungkook, my little brother and Jin, my favorite butler.

Dad... Lately, as I said before, is becoming more strict and mean. I haven't told anyone but the other day, he slapped me. I even had to pretend that one of the horses kicked me because I had a bruise on my cheek.

Which I now regret doing, because they, meaning the guards, killed it. My horse. His name was Shooky.

Anyway, wish me luck for my new adventure and I guess this is a form of goodbye?

-P, Y M-

After throwing the bottle in the Ocean, I noticed something moving far from the shore.

Is that a boat? I tried to make out what it was, however it was to far. So I walked down to the beach.

The view wasn't better actually. After waiting a few minutes, I could clearly see the boat  approaching.

That's when I saw it... The black flag with the white skull.

It was a pirate ship..

Without thinking I ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could. Must warn my father and the others.

I got inside the castle and almost knocked Jin down.

"Yah!! You scared me prince Yoongi. Why are you running? Is something wrong?"

"P-pi-pir-" I tried talking but I was out of breath.

"What's a pir?" Jin asked confused.

"Pir-pirates!" I said louder.

"Pirates? PIRATES?!!!!" He exclaimed panicking." Oh my!! We must warn lord Min and get you and Jungkook out of here. How close were they?" Jin asked.

"Too close!! We should hurry." I said running towards the stairs." Go get Jungkook! He's with the horses. I'll tell my dad." I added yelling.

"Okay! No wait, I'll tell the king you get out of here an-" He continued.

I ran up the stairs ignoring him.

"Fine never mind your already gone anyway." Jin yelled from down stairs.

There's no time to waste. By now they're probably already on the shore.

"Dad!!!" I said busting the door open.

"Yoongi? Where are your manners, knock bef-" The king a.k.a my dad started but I cut him off.

"Pirates. Pirates are here." I said nervously. "They could be here any minute now."

"What?! How do you know about this? Does it mean you were near the sea again?" My father said angrily.

I gulped bowing my head. "I apologize. But-"


"Nobody is there. How dare you lie to my face like that? That's enough. You will no longer be going to the sea. I shall make sure that a bodyguard stays with you at all times. And it will certainly not be Kim Seokjin. I've caught him lying to me about your locations a few times. Infact I should have him executed for such a sin."

Tears rolled down my face like no tomorrow.

"Do not execute him father. He has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserve it." I murmured under my breath.

"Crying is for the weak Yoongi. You are the next king. It is time to make wise choices. That servant was perfect when you were a child. Now, he's just a burden." Father said.

Not wanting to hear anymore, " He will not be executed!!" I shouted runing away.

I had forgotten about the pirates.

I got into my room and started packing my things away. Clothes, a bit of money, I'll grab a couple apples for food on my way out.

Why? Why is life so cruel?

As I was on my way out the door, I stopped in front of an old picture of my mother.

She died giving birth to me.

Then all of a sudden a hand grabbed me from behind, blocking my mouth. The person dragged me out of the room.

That's right, pirates. I totally forgot about them.

I tried escaping from the man's grip. To strong.

As I was being dragged down the stairs, I heard my father yell," Let the boy go! He isn't worth taking."

The man didn't listen and continued his way to exit the castle.

My father ran down and grabbed a sword. Just when he was about to strike, a different man stabbed him.

"NO!!!!!" I choked out in tears.

Is this how it ends?
To be continued.

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