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POV Yoongi

In the end, my talking got the best of the queen and she set us free.

"Please. Yoongi, would you please find a way in your heart to forgive my actions." The queen said bowing in front of me.

I still glared at her." Forgiveness isn't part of my vocabulairy. You killed my brother. Mermaids are the worst, not us humans." I added then left.

I don't care if the others don't come with me, I'm going back to the surface and I'll do a funeral for my brother.

As I said, I swan towards the surface with the bottle. Once I got on the beach, I swallowed the liquid and turned back as a human.

I ran around the beach searching for Jungkook. Where the hell did Taehyung put him?
The cave!!! I ran through the forest and got into the cave. Empty.

I ran back up and towards the other end of the island which was very long.

When I got there I was out of breath.

"Jungkook!!??" I yelled.

Where are you?

I sat down exhausted and then noticed a boat leaving.

Could he be on that boat?

"Jungkook?! Jungkook?! JUNGKOOK?!!" I yelled.

POV Jungkook

I can't believe my dad is still alive.

"I know it must be confusing but I have my reasons, son." My father said.

"I-I'm confused. Why? Why would you fake your own death and make me live with strangers?!" I asked/shouted after him.

I don't regret living with Yoongi at all, I just don't understand why wouldn't you keep your own son.

He sighed." Jungkook, go wait for me in the captains room. I'll explain everything in a few minutes." He said putting his hand on my right shoulder.

Part of me wanted to get really angry but the other listened and went to the Captain's room.

On my way there, I heard someone yell my name.


I walked to the side of the boat and saw a figure on the beach. It took a while but in the end I recognized Yoongi.

"Yoongi? Yoongi?! STOP THE BOAT! "I yelled." He's alive! My brother's actually alive. I change my mind I want to go back." I said.

When I noticed that no one was reacting to what I asked for, I decided to prepare myself to jump in the water.

Just when I was about to stop touching the boat, two men grabbed me and dragged me in some sort of basement.

"Yah! Let me go, let go! I said LET GO!!!" I yelled struggling.

They threw me in a cell and left.

"HEY!!!" I screamed holding the metal bars tightly in my hand.

"Give it up man. They won't come back. If they do, it'll be because they need something from you or your next to walk the plank." A guy said.

I just noticed there are more then one cell here.

"And you are?" I asked annoyed.

"Woah woah, no need to be rude. The names Lucas, you?." He asked.

I sighed sitting down against the cold bars."Jungkook."

"How did you get thrown in here?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know. I mean I tried going back to the island but no one cared to stop the boat so I prepared to jump off and that's when those to fat guys took me." I explained and pouted at the end.

Lucas laughed.

"It's not funny!" I added crossing my arms.

"You ain't finish with them. They probably need you for some shit. Man I'm glad I ain't you right now."

I frowned." So why are you here?"

Lucas stopped laughing and said." Apperently I'm annoying because I refused to work with them."

I wanted to continue asking him questions but that was interrupted by someone coming down the stairs.

"Why would you try to jump of the boat Jungkook?" Father asked.

"I wanted to go back."

"Why? You are finally reunited with your father and that's what you want? To go back to Yoongi?" Father said with a more serious ton.

I glared at him." It's a little late to be acting as my father seeing as you faked your stupid death."


"Respect me, Boy." He said leaving.

I hold my cheak. I'm on the other side of a dam cell, how did he manage to slap me?!

To be continued

Another update because why not? Although I warn you, I'm super tired so I'll correct it tomorrow
(You can also tell me if you see any mistakes;))

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