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POV Taehyung

I flipped when Yoongi told me he heard or saw Jungkook. That means I saved him!!! Then all of a sudden I started crying.

"Tae. Why are crying? It's good news that Jungkook is still alive. You'll see him again." Jimin said rubbing my back.

"I know, *sniff*, I... I was j-just so scared to lose him forever!! He's t-the first hu-uman to not judge me." I explained.

By the way, we are sitting on the sand of Nogsaeg Island.

"Where did that boat bring him?" Yoongi asked seriously.

"Well that depends. What did the boat look like?" Jimin asked tilting his head.

"A huge wooden boat with a black flag. I know they're pirates. I want to know why Jungkook left with them." Yoongi said.

Then a loud sigh was heard from Seokjin.

"I can't believe that we lost Jungkook. Is it so hard to stay in one place? Now I'm worried." Seokjin said putting a hand on his forhead.

"It's okay." Namjoon comforted.

"I don't mean to brake the mood but that's what I'm totally gonna do. Anyway, remember Jimin, your first mission was to make sure pirates left but it was changed. So the point is, if the pirates left so soon, it means they got what they wanted. Meaning, they're heading to Geomeun dugaegol." Baekhyun said popping his head out of the water.

That's when I had this weird feeling in my chest. As if I knew something was about to happen but I don't know what.

"What! Where is that!? I don't like that name it's spooky. Bring us, I'll get him off that dam boat myself if I have too!" Seokjin exclaimed.

"Lucky for you, I know where it is. However, you must be a mermaid to get there." Baekhyun said looking down.

We stood silence for a while." You don't have to be afraid. I'll even join you. "

My eyes widen when I saw who spoke. If the queen is willing to help us, does that mean she's truly sorry for what she did?

"What makes you think, we want or even need your help?" Yoongi asked with his arms crossed.

The queen sighed." Look. I'm not asking permission to come. You will need my help. I know them more then anybody here."

"Uh, pardon me but weren't you afraid of humans?" Wei asked raising his brows.

"Oh for crying out loud. Give them the magic potion and lets go get Kooki back!!" I yelled annoyed.

To my surprised nobody negociated. Hah! I feel cool.

POV Seokjin

Once every one of us was back as a mermaid, we followed the queen and Baekhyun to the destination. It took at least 30 minutes to get there.

"Here we are, Geomeun dugaegol." The queen said.

It's a rocky mountain that is shaped like a skull. It's very creepy.

"Why??? Why couldn't it at least be pretty?!" J-hope exclaimed.

I gulped."Agree."

"Here's the plan..."

POV Jungkook

I've been on this boat for what seemed like hours. I'm tired but I'm too scared to fall asleep.

Lucas isn't. He's been snoring for the past 45 minutes.

My thoughts were interrupted by the same steps of before. Only this time it wasn't my father. It was one of the fat guys.

"Come." He said.

"Where?" I asked.


"Where's 'out'?" I asked on a sassy ton.

The man sighed and busted the cell making me stand up in shock. He grabbed and threw me over his shoulder.

"Where are you taking me?! Just tell me, it's not like I can run away!!!" I yelled hiting the guy's back.

After 20 seconds I gave up and let the man lead the way.

He brought me off the ship right over a rocky cliff. "Woah! I swear I'm not jumping!!"

"Relax Jungkook. I only need one little favour from you." My dad said.

His voice was so cold that it gave me goosebumps.

"Sit down." He said bringing a chair.

When the man let me down, I sat down." Now, what?" I asked, nicer though.

My father smirked." I need you to tell me everything you know about Bada. After all, I'm aware you went there."

I'm not telling you anything. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He sighed." I need you to tell me. The queen almost killed you. Did you know that she's the one who sent the pirates to attack us that night? I'm telling you she's evil. A real curse."

I relaxed after he said that." But then why put me into a cell?"

My dad starred at me." You were about to jump in the most dangerous spot of the ocean.

True. I forgot, Taehyung had warned me as well.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"That's my boy!" He laughed happily.

To be continued

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