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POV Yoongi

I followed Jimin towards the palace. It would be a lie to say I wasn't nervous... Considering the queen is afraid of humans and that's exacly what I am.

Once again we entered the big golden doors, only this time we were greeted by the guards.

"Hello, and welcome to our kingdom." They all greeted.

Both, Jimin and I bowed respectively and followed one of the guards.

"It's been a while Jimin."

We turned around and saw another one of the guards. Mermaids sure have a lot of security, not that I'm not use to it but the ones I had were pretty easy to escape from.

"Baekhyun." Jimin replied without bowing.

"Look, I know your mad but it was for the best. I'm still searching for a way to bring him back."

"It's been three years. We don't even know if he's alive. Anyway, I don't have time. Our magesty has a job for us." Jimin said turning and leaving.

I confusely followed him but decided not to ask.

We entered in a room and on a throne, I could see the queen.

"You had a Job for us?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, I do. Pirates have been spoted near our area. Make sure they leave without causing a scene. And please, bring me some more of the whale flowers." She asked.

I cringed at the memory of those dam flowers.

"Is there a problem?" The queen asked starring at me.

"No, he just had a bad experience with the whale flowers, my lady." Jimin chuckled.

She nodded. Then swam up to me." I don't recall your name?"

"Yoongi." I stated.

"Yoongi...." She repeated softly." Are you from her-

"Humans have been spoted up near Nogsaeg Island." One of the many guards spoke.

The queen freaked. "Never mind. Your mission is to make sure those humans leave!"

For some reasons the queen reminded me of someone I know but I couldn't replace who.

"Understood!" Jimin said grabbing my hand speeding out the doors.

"Where's Nogsaeg anyway?" I asked.

"The Island you were on before." Jimin said.

POV Jimin

We went up to the surface, which took a while since Bada is very deep.

Once my head was out of the water, I saw a boat. I was about to use magic to slowly push the boat away but then stopped.

I went speechless when I saw two guys carrying a mermaid out of their boat.

"Why didn't you wait for me? I'm still not use to swimming with a tai-" Yoongi stopped."I know them. They're my friends."

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