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I woke up with a slight pain on my shoulders. The sun was shining brightly on my face as I opened my eyes to look around. I was laying in a cell. The floor was covered in sand and the metal bars seemed very old and rusty.

Last night we got cornered by other people saying we had travelled illegally on their land.

There was other cells in the little room I was in and inside one of them was Taehyung. He laid unconscious on the ground of the cell in front of me.

"Rise and shine, young one." A man spoke entering the room of cells.


"You're on the other side of the mountain. We'll wait till your friend wakes up and then i'll explain what's going on." The man said calmly. He had a nice reassuring voice for a person who had us locked up.

I waited a few minutes before Taehyung woke up. He seemed so confused.
"Oh no... they're gonna kill us.." He whispered to me in total panic.

"Relax, let's wait and see what happens ok?" I said trying to reassure him.

Taehyung looked at me unsure but nodded none the least. Not long after, two men followed by the one I previously spoke too came up to us." Bring them."

As they opened the cells, I put my hands in front of me showing them that I had no interest on starting a fight. The man smirked and his men brought us to a seat in front of a golden chair.

"Hello, my name is Hyunjun and I am the king of this side of the mountain. Please, do tell why my men have found you wandering around?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before replying." Should I start from the very beginning?"

Hyunjun smiled with a nod." What is a story without it's beginning?"

"Very well..So I lived in a castle with the Mins. They adopted me after my parents got killed. One day, pirates arrived and destroyed our kingdom. The king Min was murdered and we were taking away. The next day we, my brother, butler and I, woke up on a boat with strangers. At first we thought they were the ones who kidnapped us but turned out they were voyagers who saved us from the pirates. During our days on the boat, a storm started and waves were landing on it. Unfortunately, my brother Yoongi got swiped away from one of them and fell in the ocean. That's when we decided to go to the captain's friend's house since he knew how to find him. Once we got there, he started talking about how mermaids were real and all. Of course I didn't believe him at first until I followed him one night. Turns out he was a mermaid himself. It took a few days but eventually we found my brother on Green Island or whatever it's called... Then we visited the kingdom of Bada and I figured out I was the queen's son which I did not believe at all until I got kidnap from pirates again. My dad was actually part of the pirates who attacked the Min king. He tried to kill me but failed and that's also when I learned he wasn't really my father. To make the story shorter, we arrived on this island and were given a nice place to rest until we leave again. But I wanted to find my real father which is how I got into the forest. And for Tae, well he tagged alongside with me."

Hyunjun stared at me shocked." You're...the queen of Bada's son?"

I nodded." Weird isn't? I have legs and my mom's a mermaid."

The man smirked." Actually, that makes you a siren."

My eyes widen as I stared at him with complete horror. I shook my head."No. No. I'm not that... Impossible."

He signalled his men to do something. I didn't quite understand what was going on but when they came back, I frowned seeing a giant tank of water. Then, they took me and threw me inside of it.

May I remind that I was still tied up. I sank at the bottom of the tank and was loosing my breath every now and then.
Before I completely drowned, I could see Taehyung's face of fear starring at me.

Right then I felt myself die.


After what seemed like hours, Jungkook gasped loudly in the water. Gills had formed on the side of his neck and he was breathing under water.

Oh no... It's true then. Jungkook is one of them. But he's not at the same time. Right?...

"Stop!" Someone yelled." Get him out of there, right now. You have no right to put prince Kooki in a dam tank of water!" I heard someone yell in annoyance.

It was Jin.

"Seokjin?" The man named Hyunjun said surprised.

"I am this kid's butler and I strongly  suggest  you take him out of there." He ordered while crossing his arms.

"I'm the king here." Hyunjun said seriously.

"And I'm the prince now get him out of there right now!" Jin yelled again in anger.

The king eventually gave in and released Jungkook who started sobbing." Don't be afraid...of me Tae. I won't eat you I promised!"

Jin then started laughing." Sirens don't eat mermaids. It's a fairytale invented so that mermaids wouldn't come near the sirens."

I frowned." Why do you suddenly know everything huh? Those creatures have killed many of us."

Jin walked up to me and pat me on the head." Did I eat any of you ?"

My eyes widen in shock again.

"I knew from the start Jungkook was like me. He just didn't know. Yes, I'm a siren and that man right there is my father."
Jin said pointing towards the king.

||To be continued.||

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