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POV Yoongi

The sunbeam shined bright through the crack of the door. I streched my arms and walked out of the cabbin.

Sunyoul and Wei were dancing while washing the floor, Jin and Namjoon were having a starring contest and Hoseok was looking in his telescope.

"Aah, Prince Yoongi's awake. So how did you sleep?" Hoseok asked cheerfuly.

I smiled and walked over to the side of the boat. I wonder how far we are now?

"If you need anything just ask." Hoseok said.

" Actually... May I borrow a pen? And paper with a small bottle, please?"

"Sure, what are you going to do with that?" Hoseok asked.

"He writes to the Ocean. Similar to having a diary." Jungkook said.

"Oh I see... Well here you go." Hoseok said giving me what I requested.

I thanked him and started writing.

Dear Ocean,

It seems that I'm not finished writing to you.

A lot has happen since my last message to you. My father was killed by pirates and I'm now currently on a boat with our saviers. It's a small group of 4 people. They call themselves Travellers.

They're very nice. Ever since we've, Jungkook, Jin and I, been on this boat its like a new life has started.

I wonder if this is my key to a new begining?

Also is there really such a thing as mermaids down there? I know you cannot reply but if you could, please show me a sign.

-P, Y M-

Once I finished, I threw the bottle. Again, I watched it sink.

"What do you write to the Ocean about?" Sunyoul asked coming next to me.

"Stuff." I replied.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Diary similarity."

"So you write secrets?"

"Something like that." I said.

"That's what you did when you went to that cliff?" Jin asked.

I nodded.

"So guys, are you ready to hear my story about the mermaids?" Hoseok asked .

"Yeah!!!" Sunyoul yelled.

We sat around him and he started.

"So one day, I was sailing and all of a sudden this huge storm starts. I was an inexperienced captain so I didn't know what to do. I thought it was the end. But just when my boat was about to turn over, a force helped me, like someone had pushed my boat back up."

"It was probably a wave." I said.

"No! It was not a wave. You should've been there. It was really like someone had pushed my boat back up." Hoseok said pouting.

"J-hope, why don't you tell them the story about your friend." Wei said.

"Oh yeah! One of my friends from the land had seen one before. His name was Taehyung. He used to go swimming a lot and come back with amazing stories of his mermaid friend." Hoseok said.

"Was he drunk?" I asked slightly bored. No way mermaids are real.

"Yoongi! Please let him finish." Jin said.

I rolled my eyes and starred at the blue sky. Hoseok is very kind however his stories don't add up.

~Time Skip~

It was already night time.  Jungkook came and slep in a bed next to mine.

"Say yoongi, how long do you think this boat trip's gonna last?" Jungkook asked.

"No idea. I hope we'll find land soon. Kinda miss the solid ground?." I said closing my eyes to sleep.

Right before I could cross to dreamland, my body was thrown on the wooden floor. So was Jungkook.

"What the? What's going on?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"No idea, let's go see outside." Jungkook said.

We went outside. It was raining hard and the boat was .. wavy? Sunyoul, Wei and Namjoon were taking the water out of the boat using buckets.

I ran towards the guys, grabbed a bucket and helped them.

"Where's Jin and Hoseok?" Jungkook asked.

"Jin's got sea sick and J-hope is taking care of him." Namjoon answered.

The waves were getting stronger and bigger. The wind seemed to synchronise with the waves.

"What a great time to have a storm." Wei said sarcastically.

"I couldn't agree more." I said.

A couple minutes later, Hoseok and Jin joined.

"You feeling better Jin?" Namjoon asked.

"I-I think... not." Jin answered running towards the edge of the boat.

"Woaaaah!!" Hoseok yelled runing everywhere.

"What's the matter?!"Jungkook asked.

"Oh J-hope is a little afraid of the wavy sensation." Wei said.


"He's afraid?! And he's the captain?" I asked.

"Aaaaaah!!!" Jin yelled taking everyone of us by surprise. They all ran towards him and grabbed him right before he was going to fall overboard.

I stayed trying to take the most water out of the boat.

Then all of a sudden a huge wave splashed and I was pushed off the boat, into the sea.


Was the last thing I heard.


To be continued


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