Chapter 3: In the Bag

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"Good morning Layla."

"Morning Beth." I smile walking over to the desk.

"I got us both a coffee. Just my way of saying thank you for helping me on my first week last week."

"Oh thank you, that's kind of you." I smile and sit down on the chair next to hers, taking a sip of the coffee. "You don't have to put up with me for much longer though. Mandy is feeling better and coming back tomorrow."

"No, I'm sure your be glad to get away from me!"

"No." I chuckle. "Being on reception with you hasn't been too bad actually, but yeah I will be much happier going back to what I'm used to doing."

"Well I'm feeling much more confident."

"Thats good, and if that's the case then you won't mind me quickly going up to the toilets?"

"No you go ahead. I'll be ok on my own for a few minutes."

"Ok." I smile and get up from the desk.

I head over to the elevator and go up to the floor Marcus works on. The elevator doors open and Marcus is standing there.

"Oh hey Layla." He shows half a smile. "You ok?"

"Hey, yeah." I smile. "I'm just going to the toilet, thought I'd see you on the way up."

"Oh right yeah. I've uh just got to go let Bethany know something."

"Know what?" I chuckle.

"Just something about a customer."

"I've been working on reception too remember? Can't you tell me?"

"I can't tell you... it's a surprise."

"A surprise? About a customer?"

"No no... it's just a little something for you and you're ruining it."

"Oh.. aw that is sweet Marcus." I smile and kiss him. He smiles back at me.

"Well it's not really a surprise now..."

"I'll just pretend I don't know."

"Go get your ass in the toilet." Marcus shakes his head chuckling.

"Yes Mr Daniels." I grin walking towards the ladies.

He smiles and steps inside the elevator. I wonder what the surprise will be? I use the toilet and think. Flowers maybe? He rarely does stuff like that now unless... unless he's done something or pissed me off. And I think I know what he's gone and done. That son of a bitch! If it's what I think it is I'm gonna be pissed. I flush the toilet and quickly wash my hands. I fast walk out of the toilets and over to the elevator pressing the button and folding my arms. A few seconds later the elevator doors open and Marcus is standing in there with Michael. I stare at the both of them and sigh.

"Layla." Marcus clears his throat as they both walk out of the elevator. "You know Michael... This uh, is his first day." He shows a little smile.

"Yeah." I say bluntly.

"Nice to see you again." Michael smiles at me and holds out his hand.

I ignore his handshake.

"Well, it's no surprise really. You did pretty much say you had it in the bag. Well done." I say with a fake smile. "Well I've got to get back down to Bethany." I turn and walk in to the elevator pressing the button. I watch Marcus walk off with Michael, and Michael look back at me as the elevator doors close. He didn't run it by me first!! Thats what I'm most pissed about.

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