Chapter 60: Missed Calls

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I come home from work and walk through in to the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of wine and look through the fridge for some left overs. I can't be bothered to cook myself dinner.

I go upstairs and take off my clothes, putting on a big t-shirt. I look around my room and look at the pieces of wall paper and different coloured paints on my wall. I'm still trying to decide what kind of decor I want. I go back down stairs and turn on the tv picking up my glass of wine. I light some candels and smile. I love my new house. everything is slowly coming together. I hear my phone ringing.

I walk out in to the kitchen and pick it up.


"Layla... Hey."

"Oh hi Hayley."

"How are you?"

I lower my eyebrows and sit down.

"I'm ok? What's up?" I chuckle. "You sound worried?"

"Oh no, I'm ok. Just thought I'd check up on you."

"We literally spoke to each other a day ago." I giggle.

"I know... but it's been two weeks since you moved out and I'm missing my sister. Is that a crime?"

"No..." I chuckle. "I guess not."

"So, um how was your day?"

"It was ok..." I lower my eyebrows. "Something is up, I can tell."

"No... uh you decided on when you're having your house warming party?"

"Not yet. The house still isn't fully decorated yet. I kind of want everyone over when it's looking a bit better."


"So how was your day?" I ask with a soft laugh.

"It was ok. I went and got Zack his Halloween costume today."

"Oh no. What is he going as this year?"

"A pirate." She sighs. "Which is better than what he was last year I suppose."

I laugh.

"Wasn't he like, a poo emoji last year or something?"


We both chuckle, and she pauses for a few seconds.

"So... you've not had any weird calls today?" She asks.

"Weird calls? What do you mean?"

"Like, any numbers you didn't recognise?"

"I knew there was something up. What aren't you telling me?"

She sighs and goes quiet.

"Hayley fucking tell me!"

"Ok Ok! I took Zack to that play group today... Michael was there again."

I roll my eyes.

"What have you done Hayley?"

"I went over and told him what I thought of him."

I sigh and rub my head.

"For god sake." I moan. "Well what happened?"

"I... I gave him your number."

"What?! Why did you do that?"

"He spoke to me and explained everything, and then he wanted your number and said he really wants to talk to you."

I scoff.

"After he pushed me away and left me with nothing, you let him have my number? You know what i went through, and you know how much he hurt me Hayley."

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