Ch. 1 "I Want My Sunglasses"

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That’s what I’m craving…cheeseburgers.

I can't take it. I need food. I'm practically dying in the short car ride to where the boys are today. Everything I ate already was too little.... I need more. I need more food.

“Hey, could you maybe perhaps just go through that drive thru there, Terrence?” My stomach decides then to rumble in agreement and I mentally praise it.

Terrence turns slightly to look at me, a look of disbelief on his face, I was asking for food again.

“Please?” I bite my lip, begging. My stomach begs too.

“You and your brother…” he sighed in defeat as he pulled into the drive-thru of Burger King. I might add that he thoroughly cut off a car doing so and felt glad that he knew how to drive.

I leaned over him and shouted out my order to the lady.

When I had finished I asked him if he wanted anything. “Just a coke…” He chuckled at me.

He pulled forward to the window, I handed him a twenty and he handed it to the woman, handing me bags and our drinks.

Now happily munching fries, I could ease my stomach’s demands.

“I don’t see Niall eat this much.” I bit greedily into my sandwich.

Terrence said nothing, but smiled at the road.

I ignored him. “And to think, my brother, or his friends…” I really didn’t notice the difference anymore; they all were like family to me…with exceptions. “They took my sunglasses, but not one of them texts me back. I mean come on… it’s obvious if you don’t text me back that they took them. I was planning on going to the beach today with Aria…” I trailed off when Terrence gave me the look that I was talking too much.

“Well, they are boys. We tend to be forgetful sometimes. ‘Sides, they saved me from driving to get Aria, going to the beach, waiting for you…. You know. That stuff you don’t think about.” He grinned and sipped his coke.

“Well, if it was Niall, it probably wasn’t intentional…” I ignored him again.

“Liam is Liam, so it’s not him.” He laughed. “Harry, though ―” I flinched when he said his name, I hoped he didn’t notice. “You need to worry about him.” His laugh proved that he didn’t.

If you only knew… I thought.

I hate Harry Styles. I hate him. He’s a complete man-whore obsessed with himself. He believes he can get any girl he wants, and to be honest, that was probably 99.99 percent true. Say hello to Miss 0.01 percent.

I was still thinking about different ways I could kill Harry without the entire world’s population of girls declaring war on me, when Terrence stopped in front of the boys’ studio. I opened the door, mumbled a thank you to him, and had three different bodyguards surround me from the small mound of girls in front of the studio.

“Kim…Kim ―” A short girl with black hair, but red bangs kept hounding my name in a nasally voice. I couldn’t ignore it.

“Yes?” I smiled at her, even if I didn’t feel an immense liking towards her.

She started hyperventilating as she squeaked out her question. “D-does Niall snore?” Her voice obviously showed that she did.

“Umm…yes.” I kept walking and signed my name a few times and did some small photo shoots with other girls. Sure, the boys were used to the fame, but I love it when a fan recognizes me. I love my brother, and so do my brother’s fans.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now