Ch 5 May First love

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When the referee announced Ash as the winner, the entire room, except for Drew, went absolutely crazy with cheers and screams of joy and excitement. May looked to Drew, a satisfied smirk on her face as she saw the defeat in Drew's eyes.

Drew was frozen, trapped in the gaze of May's beautiful sapphire eyes. Even though they were filled with malice and hatred, they were still heavenly. May stood, glaring at Drew, only turing away when she heard here name called by Ash on the TV. She quickly turned her head to see Ash, trophy in hand, speaking into a microphone.

"May, the princess of Hoenn... Yeah, she's amazing isn't she. Although she hasn't won a Grand Festival yet, she has made a huge impact on the world of coordinating,..."

"He must not have heard yet."May thought to herself.

What Ash said next surprised her to no extent,"-but she has made a much bigger impact on me..."

May couldn't hide the goofy smile on her face when she heard this.

"She was always there for me and has never let me down. I can't help but smile every time I think of her and I can't wait until I get to see her again... whenever that may be."

May curled one of her hands into a fist and put it next to her heart as she listened to his kind words. Ash always knew how to make someone feel special. While this was happening, she slid her other hand into her pocket and wrapped her hand around the half of the Terracotta ribbon she always kept with her, no matter what.

Drew stood completely still, silently watching as Ash praised May. If he wasn't already broken before, then he was when he saw May in this moment. She had a large, but soft and tender smile on her face, her cheeks were flushed slightly red and she looked happier than he'd ever seen her before.

After Ash finished his speech, Norman walked over to Drew and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I think it's time for you to leave."

His voice was forceful and intimidating, causing Drew to abandon all hope of trying to mend things with May for the time being. On his way out the front door, Drew vowed to himself that he would get May back... no matter what it took.

Back inside, Ash had finished his speech about May and had moved on, but the aforementioned brunette was no longer paying attention to what he was saying. She was still caught up in the incredibly sweet things he'd said about her.

She knew she really shouldn't have been surprised, it was just Ash being Ash, but she just couldn't get over it, over him, who he is as a person. He'd credited so much to her, told the whole world how much she meant to him. May caught herself thinking, for what seemed like the millionth time, why she had ever left the companionship of Ash.

Just seeing Ash on the television made her yearn to see him again. It was easy to see that he had matured a lot since they'd last seen each other in person back in Sinnoh. He now had a muscular build and a deeper, but still comforting voice.

His face was a lot less childish in appearance and he was considerably taller. He towered over Mr. Goodshow and May, having met the man before, used this to put Ash somewhere around 5'9. If she was being completely honest...she thought Ash looked incredibly attractive; she'd always found him to be a good looking guy, but this was something else, something more, it seemed. And the more she watched him, the more that feeling of longing grew; the more she wanted to see him again.

May was so busy in her own little world that she didn't notice Max tap her on the shoulder. She finally came back to reality when Max began to speak. "Hey May, you alright? You're kind of spacing out."

May blushed at her thoughts and shook them out of her head before responding, "Yeah Max, I-I'm fine. I'm just so happy that Ash is one step closer to his dream!"

Max seemed to accept the answer as he was feeling the same way, but both Norman and Caroline had watched May this entire time. It was incredibly obvious to tell what she was thinking about and both parent's faces were plastered with large smirks because of it.

As Max left the family room to go brag to his friends that his "big bro" had won the Indigo league, Caroline walked over to May and sat next to her on the couch.

"You must be very excited, May. You win your first Grand Festival and the next day, your best friend wins a league. I'd say that's a pretty incredible two days." Caroline spoke with a smile.

"You can say that again! Of course I'm happy that I won and all, but I can't help but feel even happier that Ash is finally one step closer to his dream." May declared, the huge smile never leaving her face.

Caroline dropped her smile for a moment as she figured out how to word what she would say next, "Honey, I'm really sorry about Drew. I know you told me he was sometimes mean to you and would talk badly about Ash, but I had no idea."

May shrugged and gave a sad smile. "It's okay mom, really. I think maybe I was just spoiled by how Ash always treated me. I mean, I guess Drew was trying to help me as well, it's just...well, he sucked at it."

"And he's an asshole." Caroline said seriously before both mother and daughter broke out into laughter.

"You can say that again. I don't need a toxic friend like him when I have others like Solidad over here who truly help me out and care about me." May said, gesturing to her good friend sitting to the right of the two women in a chair. "I just can't believe that Drew was about to tell me that he wanted to be more than friends. Honestly, I don't even like him as a friend!"

Caroline plastered a smirk on her face as she began to speak, "I don't blame you. And besides, I'm pretty sure your heart already belongs to someone else..."

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