Ch 7 My Heart

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The look of shock on Leona's face morphed into a smirk as she watched Dawn's face turn bright red, "Don't worry Dawn, I won't steal your boyfriend. It's cute how defensive you are over him though!"

For a long time, it was obvious to Leona and Johanna that Dawn had feelings for Ash, even if she wouldn't admit it yet.

"Ash is not my...boyfriend." Dawn said in a shy voice, barely audible to those around her.

Even though her voice was hardly full of confidence, Kenny still calmed down a little when he heard her say this.

Johanna continued to smile at her daughter, deciding to stop the teasing for now "Whatever you say dear. Let's just go back to watching the match."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they sat and resumed watching the biggest battle of Ash's career, which was just entering it's final match up; Torterra Vs. Pikachu.

Dawn couldn't help but stare at Ash during his battle. She hadn't seen him in person in nearly three years and had only talked to him on the phone one time over that period. With people traveling around so much in this world of theirs, it was hard to find where the person you wanted to call was at any given time. Dawn and Ash were not immune to this problem. She longed to see him again but didn't know when it would be a good time.

"What if he's changed..." Dawn thought to herself, but quickly shook the idea out of her head. Even if Ash did change, it could only be for the better. This was Ash she was talking about after all.

Right before Ash called for the final iron tail that would ultimately knock out Torterra, Dawn jumped up and began cheering...loudly.

"You can do this Ash! Kick his butt! You're the best there is!" Dawn screamed as if Ash might be able to somehow hear her if she was loud enough.

Kenny was feeling a mixture of anger, jealousy and sadness over how much Dawn supported Ash. For a long time now, he'd had a feeling that she might like Ash as more than just a friend, and this day was just another that continued to back up his suspicions.

With Dawn obviously caring so much for Ash, with it being more evident today than ever before, Kenny decided that he would have to make his move today if he even stood a chance at winning Dawn's heart. Dawn talked about Ash in some way or another pretty much everyday, and today was a more extreme example of that. This, along with all that has happened in the past is what finally motivated Kenny to act.

As the referee announced Ash as the winner, the whole room burst into ear splitting cheers, although Kenny's were noticeably quieter.

"He did it! I'm so proud of him! He's finally one step closer to his dream!" Dawn screamed out as she danced around with Leona. Johanna even joined in at one point smiling with her daughter and her good friend. The only one absent was Kenny. He didn't hate Ash by any means, but he was a rival for Dawn's heart, and that was all he could think about at the moment.

Kenny mustered up all of his courage and approached Dawn who was still jumping around in joy, "Umm, Dawn?" Hearing this, Dawn calmed down for a moment and looked to Kenny. "Can I talk to you for a sec."

Dawn was wondering why Kenny had picked now of all times to talk about something and was slightly annoyed that he'd cut her celebration short but sensing that it was something serious, she simply shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the couch. All the while, both her mother and Leona continued bouncing around and celebrating in happiness.

Kenny took a deep breath and began to speak, "Dawn, we've known each other for a long time and we're pretty good friends, right?"

"Umm, yeah..." Dawn said, uncertain as to where Kenny was going with this.

Hey took another deep breath. "Dawn, I-I'm just gonna say it. I've liked you for a really long time and I think that you might like me, so... will you will be my girlfriend ?" Kenny said the last part very quickly. Despite this, Dawn still heard his words.

She went slack jawed as even her mother and Leona stopped dancing around once they heard the man's words. Dawn knew that Kenny'd had a huge crush on her for a long time, but he'd never acted on it, and that was how Dawn liked it.
She thought of Kenny as a friend and nothing else. To be honest, Dawn was a bit uncomfortable with Kenny's obsession over her. She had caught him staring at her multiple times from his house next door, as their windows to their rooms were adjacent to each other and it kind of freaked her out. Despite all of this, herself and Kenny had been good friends for a long time and Dawn didn't want to just throw that away. But with what Kenny just said, it was obvious that nothing would ever be the same between them after this.

Kenny stared at Dawn, hope and desperation filling his eyes, waiting for Dawn to speak, "Kenny I...I don't know what to say. I'm flattered... but... I don't feel the same way. I only see you as a friend and that's all I will ever see you as. I'm sorry."

Kenny's heart broke immediately. He'd really thought he at least had some chance but now, all hope was squashed. For some reason, instead of feeling sad, all Kenny felt was anger. He needed someone to blame and that blame fell on the only person he could think of at the moment...

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