Ch 15 Fallen Hero

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"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Ash Ketchum, a life that was taken before its time," the minister said somberly, beginning the sermon. "He was loved and admired by so many others. Ash was someone who was respected by friends and enemies alike, not just because of his strength as a trainer, but because of his exceptionally kind heart. We will miss him dearly and hope that he's watching us from heaven."
May wiped tears from her eyes as she gazed around the church. All of Ash's friends from all his travels were in attendance, tears rolling down most of their faces as well. Those who weren't crying were staring ahead blankly, as if they couldn't believe this was happening. She could scarcely believe it herself. How could Ash, her Ash, the bravest person anyone could possibly know, be dead? He had always been so...alive. It just didn't make sense.

As she took another look around the room, her gaze fell on Ash's Pokemon. Every single one of them were there, including the ones that Ash had told her he'd released. Noivern was being comforted by Hawlucha, who looked angry and heartbroken. An Oshawott was crying and being petted by a Snivy. Two Butterfree were holding onto each other-Serena assumed that one of them had to be the one that Ash released so he could be with his mate. Thirty Tauros had their heads bowed and were emitting low, mournful cries. But out of everyone, Pikachu and Greninja looked the worst. The little yellow electric mouse was crying on Dawn chest and Greninja was just sitting there, his eyes blank.

"And now I invite anyone who wishes to come up and say a few words about our friend Ash to do so," the minister spoke again, startling Serena. Quickly, she turned to face the front of the room again.

"I'll do it," Misty said shakily, standing up and walking to the front of the church. She took the microphone from the minister and took a deep breath.

", where do I even begin?" she began. "I first met Ash on his first day as a trainer when I had to fish him out of the river. He broke my bike, so I followed him around for a long time after that, sometimes using my mallet to hit him. Ash was one of the most amazing people I ever had the pleasure of knowing. He put up with me even when I went into one of my rages and supported me when my sisters weren't there for me. I watched him go from an inexperienced trainer who didn't know the first thing about strategy to, now, seeing him win his first ever league at Kanto. I have no doubt that he's still training up in heaven, because if I'm being honest, that's what he loved to do the most. Goodbye, Ash. You'll always be in our hearts."

Everyone clapped quietly as Misty left the stage. Dawn took her place next, sniffling softly as she adjusted the microphone.

"Ash was one of the best people anyone could ever know," the blue-haired girl began her speech. "He was always happy and could make you smile even when you didn't want to. One of my favorite qualities about him, though, was his complete oblivousness when it came to anything even remotely involving romance. Yet I'll always will love that boy."

At that, everyone in the audience let out a weak chuckle. Dawn let it continue for a moment before she continued speaking.

"That probably seems like a strange thing to like about someone, but the reason I said it was because I got to see him grow up and win his first league. He.... was so close to his dreamland," she continued. Serena felt her face heat up, but wasn't angry. "The first time I'll met Ash , I just knew that he would be the one. It was obvious I had a crush since I'll travel with him in Sinnoh and I was so happy during the time we spend together. Ash's love for his friends and pokemon so much he would die for anyone of them, which brings me to my next point. I think Ash's greatest quality was his love for his friends and family. He cared deeply about each and every single one of us here, and about a lot of those who aren't as well. He could see the worth in any Pokemon he encountered, especially when no one else could. I'm glad I was able to call him my first love and I'll miss him forever." There was another round of applause. Serena hesitated for a moment, unsure if she would be able to say anything in front of Ash's family and friends without losing it. Delia, Ash's mother, seemed to notice her hesitation and gave her a gentle nudge.

"Go ahead," she whispered. "Ash would have wanted you up there."

Serena nodded and walked past Dawn to take her place up onstage. She took a deep breath and looked out at the audience, all of whom were waiting for her to begin her speech.

All right, I'll do it for Ash, Serena thought determinedly. Out loud, she said, "I have so much that I could tell you about Ash, but Misty and Dawn pretty much summed him up perfectly, so I'll keep this short. The first thing I have to say is that he always had a positive outlook on life. In fact, if he was here today, I have no doubt he'd be asking us all why everyone looks so sad before doing anything he could to cheer us all up."

As her gaze traveled around the church, Serena saw that Greninja now had his head on Delphox's shoulder. The fiery fox Pokemon had her arm wrapped around his shoulder and seemed to be murmuring softly to him. She felt a pang in her heart at the scene and had to look away to be able to continue.

"Ash's favorite quote was 'Never give up until it's over,'. That was one of the first things he ever said to me, and they were the words that made me fall in love with him," Serena said. "The time I'll spend with him was the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. And that brings me to my final point. I know the music I picked out for today's after-ceremony doesn't exactly fit the mood of a funeral, but I wanted to honor Ash's memory. Because I know that he would have wanted us to celebrate his life, not mourn his death. So...I'll miss you, Ash, and I hope you approve of the music I chose for you."

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