Ch 9 We did it!

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"This still doesn't feel real, you know Pikachu?" Ash asked his electric friend while sitting in the empty locker room.

"Pika Pikachu" Pikachu said while nodding his head.

"I wonder where Paul is."Ash thought to himself. "He said he would be in here when I was done."

Just then, he saw his purple haired friend enter the locker room, contently munching on a hamburger.

"There you are. I was wondering where you wondered off to." Ash said to the new arrival.

"Sorry. I got hungry, so I gave some kid an autograph for his hamburger and soda." Paul mumbled through his full mouth.

"Seriously Paul? Don't you think that's a little below you?" Ash questioned incredulously.

The only response he got was a shrug as Paul continued eating his burger. It was at this time that both men heard a commotion from outside the locker room door.

"Hey let us through, we're friends of the winner!" The voice was muffled, but Ash could definitely tell it was Misty's. He quickly rushed over to the door and swung it open, catching the eyes of his friends, Misty, Gary and Brock, as well as the body guard keeping them out.

"Let them in, they're friends of mine." Ash spoke sternly to the security guard who simply shrugged and moved aside, allowing Brock and Misty entry.

While walking through the door, Misty couldn't help but stick her tongue out at the 'mean security guard' as to taunt him. Ash saw this and let out a giggle, it was just so like Misty to do something like that.

Ash closed the door and made his way over to the couches that now occupied Misty and Brock.

Before his friends could get a word out, Ash spoke, "Hey guys, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick, be right back."

Ash entered the restroom and took stance in front of one of the sinks. He turned on the faucet and let the cold water run onto his hands. He then brought his hands to his face, hoping to rejuvenate himself after the long and tiring battle. He then brought his head up until he was staring himself down in the mirror.

"You finally did it Ash. You've finally a true step toward completing your goal." Ash said to himself, smirking all the while.

Ash'd gone to the restroom in order to just be alone for a few more moments, hoping to let the fact that he had won really sink in. Now that he was alone and had some time to reflect, he could definitely say that this was the best day of his life thus far.

Satisfied, Ash left the bathroom to return to his friends. However, as he left through the door, he was stopped in his tracks when he was hit by something. Ash looked down and saw a red head on his chest and felt arms wrap around his body. It turned out that this "something" was actually Misty who'd ran to Ash at full speed and tackled him into a hug.

Only looking up to meet Ash's eyes and not separating from the hug, Misty began to speak, "Ash, you did it! After all of those close calls, it's finally your time to shine, and I couldn't be prouder of you."

"And what you said during your speech...about me, it was just... so amazing. I-I didn't know you thought so highly of me." By this time, Misty had a noticeable blush on her face and released Ash from the hug iso that she could try to hide it.

Ash responded immediately, "Of course I do, Misty! You helped me so much throughout my journey. There's no way I'd be where I am right now without you. And I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I meant every word I said up there. Hell, I would've said more if I thought I had more time." Ash finished with his signature smile.

Misty's face turned even redder at the praise, but it's not like she was wasn't used to it by now. If Ash could've seen Misty more closely while he was talking about her during his speech, he would have noticed another massive blush on her face, paired with a breathtakingly beautiful smile.

It was no secret that Misty had feelings for Ash, well... no secret to everyone butAsh. Naturally, with being around him so much, she could help but become great at hiding her blushing face whenever that would happen.

All in all, traveling the regions with Ash had by far been the best years of Misty life and she didn't plan to leave his side any time soon.

"Hey," Brock chimed in with a grin plastered on his tanned face.

Ash could help but smile himself at this. What he said was true, him and Brock were basically brothers. Out of all of his companions, Brock had been with him the longest and he wouldn't soon forget everything the older man had done for him over the years.

After Brock's departure before heading to Unova, the depression Ash felt from his best friend leaving hurt more than he imagined. Similar feelings were also shared by Brock.

But luckily for them both, Brock's love for travel and friendship with Ash encouraged him to try something no one had ever done before him. After becoming certified as an official pokemon doctor, Brock decided to take his practice on the road. It seemed odd to his colleagues at first, but traveling allowed him to visit places that didn't have their own pokemon doctors; Brock was a godsend to most of his patients.

Becoming the first traveling pokemon doctor not only allowed Brock to do what he loved, but it also allowed him to travel with his best friend again and now. All in all, everything was working out great.

"Thanks Brock! The same goes for you as well, I meant every word I said out there." Ash said, pointing in the direction of the arena.

"Don't worry Ash, I had no doubt in my mind that you were being genuine. And I've got to say, I'm really glad to have another brother." Brock responded.

Ash smile widened as he walked to Brock and pulled him into a quick, manly hug.

Off to the side, Paul was trying to talk to Misty, but she was trying her best to ignore him.

Pokemon Ash comebackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora