Ch 27 Why Him

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Just after 12 in the morning, Ash had been unable to sleep and walked out onto the balcony to stare up at the stars and the bright full moon. It was a cool night, much to Ash's delight. He was only in his blue pyjama bottoms, leaving his lean muscular upper body naked. Placing his badge case on the rail in front of him. Ash and Pikachu decided to go on a walk.
Walking across the pavement, with the moonlight and street lights to show his way, Ash and Pikachu were walking in silence. He has since calmed down after his rude awakening, but something was still bothering him.

The dream he was having, it was about his childhood friend... And crush, Serena. He met her when he was six, at Professor Oak's Pokemon Summer Camp... Oh, who is he kidding, he well past the crush stage by now. She never told him where she was from, only that it isn't Kanto. He has spent every moment of his journey, looking for her until he went to Kalos. Sure, he may act dense, but that's because he is only interested in Serena... The only other person... The only other pokemon to know this is Pikachu...

Sighing sadly, Ash leaned against the rail, overlooking the beautiful lake. Seeing the powerful blue colour of the water, Ash couldn't help but lightly chuckle to himself.

"Her eyes... The colour reminds me of her eyes." Ash whispered softly, as his hand rummaged through his pocket.

"Pika?" Pikachu questioned.

"Nothing Pikachu... I'm just thinking about her again." Ash replied as he pulled a pink ribbon out of his pocket. Holding it in his hands, Ash couldn't stop his eyes from getting watery. "... Serena.".

"Pikachu." The electric type nodded in understanding. He's gotten use to his trainer thinking about that girl with the straw hat, as he nicknamed her.

"Why Pikachu?" Ash asked, in a depressed tone.

"Pika P?" Pikachu asked in confusion.

"Why... Why didn't she have to like Calem?... Why didn't I ask about her feelings?..." Ash pleaded for answers. "Why didn't... I tell her that I love her?... Serena.".

"Pika Pikachu. Pika Pi, Pika." Pikachu explained, due to their strong bond, Ash has a pretty good idea about what Pikachu is saying.

"Thanks buddy... I will." Ash replied with a warm smile. "When I see Serena again, I will tell her that I love her.".

"Why wait?" A female voice spoke from behind the pair. Turning around, Ash and Pikachu saw a honey blonde, medium length haired girl, around her earlier 20s. The Pallet native recognised her straight away.

"Serena!" Ash exclaimed in shock and slight fear, with one question running through his mind, did she hear him confess?

"Hello Ash... It's, been a long time." Serena spoke softly as she took a step close, causing Ash to blush.

"Serena?" Ash questioned.

"So you did you miss me?" Serena replied happily as she took his hand in hers. Ash could only blush and nod. "That's good... Um... Did you mean what you said to Pikachu?".

"Mean what?" Ash asked, flustered, knowing exactly what she's talking about.

"When you said... You... Love... Me?" Serena replied, making a gap between each word. Both trainers were now bright red. Ash has lost his voice and could only answer with a nod of the head. Pikachu knew what was coming, and decided to take off, leave the two of them, alone.

"Yeah... After you left me after the Kalos League. I was really down... I talked to my mum, the professor and some wild pokemon... In the end, they told me that I was in love." Ash explained. "As I started travelling, sure, I was collecting gym badges, but... I was also looking for you... No matter where I went, you was the one who kept me going... I love you.".

"Well... I love you, too." Serena replied, bashfully. "Y-you do?" Ash asked, stuttering. Serena replied with a shy nod. "Then... Will you do me the honor and b-be my girlfriend?". The shock that Ash would come straight out and ask that, was a total surprise to Serena.

"I'm sorry Ash but I can't right now because I'm still in love with Calem." Saying in sad time to Ash. This heartbroken Ash and he had to change to subject.

"Hey Serena... Why are you here in Hoenn... Is it because your here to cheer Calem?" Ash asked.

"Yes...Sorry, I didn't know you had feelings for me... Ash looked I do have feelings for you." Serena replied. "But I do still love Calem because I'm his girlfriend and hopefully we can still be friends? I saw you compete in the first round of tournament on TV a while ago, cheeking the pokemon league website I saw your name for the next Hoenn League conference and so got on a plane to come and find you.".

"You came all this way... For me?" Ash asked, touched.

"Of course." Serena quickly replied. "After all, I came to here to cheer you guys both.".

"Oh... Thanks Serena." Ash replied sadly down at his feet. A cold breeze blew past the them, making Serena shiver. Ash took his jacket off and handed it to Serena. "Here put this on.".

"Oh, thank you, Ash." Serena replied as she wrapped the jacket around her shoulders.

"Serena... Do you want to come to my hotel... I'm sure my pokemon would like to see you." Ash offered.

"Thanks Ash, but I have to go see Calem at his room at the Petalburg Tower Hotel." Serena replied. "I left all my things there, including my pokemon... I only came out to hopefully find you.".

"Alright then, I'll walk you back." Ash offered.

"Thank you." Serena replied with a peck on the cheek. The trainers walked back to the hotel and we should make plans Ash  to meet up tomorrow where we will meet your pokemon. Since Serena had Ash's jacket on, she used the opportunity to cuddle Ash, to keep him warm on the walk back... Ash let her kept his old blue cap and blue jacket when he walk to Serena to her hotel. " I can't believe she said no.. but still she picks Calem and not him...?" Crying to himself in the dark. " Hey buddy Tomorrow we going to embarrass Calem tomorrow in the 3 round and embarrass him as champion! She going to regret for choosing him than me!" Ash said in cold voice. This sacred Pikachu because it's happening again his best friend heart is broken.

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