Ch 36 Its her fault

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Before the Hoenn League

The coordinator and the Trainer stood next to each other holding hands as they looked out over the ocean. They were on their way to Hoenn for the Pokemon league. The young man, Paul, was to compete in this years tournement. His girlfriend Dawn was happy to accompony him as she was to see her friends again.

"Ya know. Its hard to believe it has been 11 whole years." Dawn sighed into her boyfriends shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Paul questioned, unware of any anniversary.

"11 years since he dissapeared." She said with a longing voice, as if she missed the person dearly she refered too.

Paul simply shrugged. "I'm sure he will come back sometime. Can't disappear for ever."

Dawn kissed him on the cheek. "You sure are optimistic. Know something I don't?" She said jokingly.

Paul started to sweat at this comment. It was true, he had hear rumors about an unnamed trainer with a pikachu and an talking Lucario roaming the regions slowly taking down crime syndicates. But they were simply rummors and he ignorred them. Except for one.

*Flashback start*

The bar was packed. Paul had been sitting at the bar for sometime now. Not drinking much but slowly thinking.

"Better be careful with that face lad" A drunk man said to him "Might bring the Team killer after ya."

"What?" Paul was thouroghly confused

"Your face me lad" The seemingly scottish man said. "You got a frown on it. Seems like you planning something near as bad as those team galatic folkes. Heard there be a man with a pikachu and an talking Lucario going round' and taking folkes like that out!" He snapped his fingers as he said the last word. "Goes round' joints like these finding stuffers outs and using it against the bad boys. Call em the Team Killer, Course just called him that. Maybe it will stick."

Paul left the man rambling to him self as he left the bar.

*Flashback end*

"Maybe I am" Paul said simply shrugging his arms jokingly.

"Well I am headed to supper" Dawn said, still giggling. "Care to join me?"

"It will be my pleasure" Paul said as he took her arm in his. "So guys I need to know" Max was suddenly serious. "Is Ash comming."

It was more of a statement then a question.

"Who knows" Brock said. "Why would he show up now? It's been 11 years. Why not make it 15 years But I have a feeling, that he might make an appearance. Ash was never one to miss a competition."

"Ok so say he does show up" Paul shrugged 'But is he going to be the same person that we knew 11 years ago? Will he want anything to do with us or will we be pushed away."

"I don't know" The young men said in unison. " Hey, May didn't you had an crush on Ash" the former Gym leader asked. May blush about Brock knows that she did had an small crush on our young hero. " Yes... I once did but Ash had his heart set for Serena. She broken him and I will never forgive her for what she did to him!" This shock Brock because May is most friendly person you ever met but something must happen between Ash and this Serena chick to piss off May like this."Well its time for my first battle!" Max jumped up and down.

"Can't wait Max" May ran up to her little brother and gave him a tight hug. "I'm sure you will win!" she said as she released him from her death grip hug.

Max sweatdropped as he scratched the back of his neck. "Sure thing sis. Well I better get going."

"Ok!" May exclaimed a little to happily. "Ill be in the stands rooting for you!"

"Great!" and with that Max dashed off into the trainers area to get ready for his match.

May watched him run off and turned to go join her friends in the bleachers.

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