Ch 38 my pain

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It was strange.

All my life I had been completely consumed by my main goal: To be the greatest Pokemon Master in the world.

Trust me, there had been many a time when even I started to doubt the possibility of that happening when I was younger but that don't mean nothing if I'm not with her.

Well anyway, I was sort of wrong and when I say sort of well... I haven't exactly become Pokemon Master, but I guess I have become something better. During all my journeys through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Kalos and so forth I have met some amazing people, had some rather challenging rivals and made so many great friends. Each and every person all helped me on my quest and helped me understand just what I was aiming for. I do not know what I would've done without their constant support, courage and strength.

However, it was times like the present where I wished they were with me, to comfort me when I needed them most.

But of course, what is the likeliness of that happening? When I am actually in need of a friend no-one is around.

"GAAHHH" Came a yell from a hill. "I CAN'T DO THIS!"

"Then why do you do it Master" Lucario's voice came from behind Ash.

"Because... I have too" Ash's face dropped down as he recounted every reason why he couldn't be near his friends. "I can't let them get hurt. Like she did. I took a big enough risk going to talk to Gary. But I had to do that."

Lucario nodded solemly as he recounted the story that his Trainer had told him "It is indeed noble what you did Master. But from how you have been acting, I believe it is time that you show kindness to them, not anger."

There had been a blue aura haze surrounding Ash from him recounting what happened to his mother. But this soon faded away with the kind words of his pokemon.

"Thank you Lucario. But I can't do that now. There is one last team I must take down. The head of them all. Rocket has risen again."

This was news to Lucario. "But master you defeated Rocket many years ago. I was witness to their destruction. You rescued me."

"Yes but they have risen again. Did you know Givonni had a son?" Ash recieved a head shake from Lucario. "Niether did I. And now his top priority is me. A certain cat forgot to mention that fact to me."

"Well you nevah asked!" Meowth protested as he walked into the clearing on the hill with pikachu following him.

Ash couldn't resist a small smile to his pokemon's protests. "Well you forgot didn't you! And now I have to do it again."

"Well why are we here anyways! We could easily take them down elsewhere. Like I don't know, base?" Meowth said sarcasticly.

"Well one, an old wise friend asked me too come, and I was hesitant but I gave in because of the second reason."

"Pika pikachu pikapi?" PIkachu asked.

"My second reason pikachu, is because I have heard from our other sources, that rocket intends to pull off a job on the grand prize of this tournament. An Egg."

"Who's egg?" Meowth asked.

"Celibi. According to Mew, this is the time that Celibi hatches from its egg to begin its role as the protector of the forests through time. Rocket knows this and intends to get the prize. By force or by winning. Which ever works."

Meowth caught on quick. "Control Celibi, control time. So does the pokemon league know about this."

"No. Only us. And rocket of course." "I still suggest befriending your old friends again. Possibly reintroduce yourself and keep your distance as to continue proecting them as you wish to."

"Ya know for a pokemon, you really know how to act like a human. But enough of this. We have a tournament to win. Lucario, would you do me the honor of sparring."

"Gladly Master" and with that the trainer and pokemon readied their auras for the coming battle. Pikachu and Meowth sighed as they got out of the way. There was nothing the two loved more then a good sparring match between each other.

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