Ch 44 Good Morning

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It was another beautiful morning in Petalburg City. The Swellows perched peacefully on the quant home of the Petalburg Gym. Everything was so peaceful...

"Pikaaaaa... CHUUUUUU!"

Suddenly, the perching flock of Swellow flew away from the house right as the room of Max Maple quickly filled up with a blinding yellow light followed by a loud scream.

"AHHHHHH! Alright, alright, I'm up already! Stop, Pikachu!" a weary, yet irritated Ash yelled.

The  trainer sat up straight from his bed in shock, literally. His pajamas had been electrocuted to a crisp, which also matched his slightly charred hair that had little electrical currents running through it. Pikachu really did this time.

"Why. Did. You. Electrocute. Me. Pikachu...?" the Kanto Champion questioned with wide eyes, stuttering in agony.

The electric mouse embarrassingly rubbed his own head in response. "Pikachu pi kachu, pika pi."

Ash sighed, "I can't help it if I turn over in my sleep. But that Thunderbolt was really uncalled for."

"Pikachu..." the mouse apologized and hopped off of the bed. The raven-haired trainer stripped off the remnants of his barbecued clothes and stared at the clock.

"Great, it's only 6:45," Ash sighed once more. "I might as well get dressed and get something to eat."

After changing into a set of fresh clothes, Ash and Pikachu exited the room and made their way downstairs where a fantastic aroma pleasantly enveloped their noses.

In the kitchen, Caroline was currently cracking eggs in a frying pan while overlooking a toaster, which popped out some fresh slices of toast. The stay-at-home wife did not notice when Ash and Pikachu entered the kitchen.

The magnificent scent of breakfast caused the Pokémon trainer to drool in hunger and anticipation. In fact, Ash was so captivated by the sight that his stomach growled too loudly.

"Huh?" Caroline said and then smiled as she realized where the sound came from. "Oh, good morning, Ash and Pikachu."

"Good morning, Caroline," Ash replied, his eyes glued to the sizzling eyes in her pan.

"Pikachu," the mouse chimed in and hopped on the floor where a bowl of fresh, Hoenn-exclusive Pokéblocks waited for him.

"Hey, where's Norman?" the trainer looked around for the Gym leader. "He wanted to start training early again in case a challenger just happens to come today," the mother sighed.

Caroline finished her cooking, turned off the stove, and started placing food on a plate for Ash. She walked over to the table and gave Ash his plate, who thanked her immediately.

"Thanks, Caroline. This looks great." In an instant, Ash ungracefully dug his fork into the food and stuffed his face, causing Caroline to laugh.

"It's always a pleasure, Ash," Caroline smiled, but then raised her eyebrows in curiosity. "Also, what are you doing up so early, dear? I always thought you were one of those men who enjoy sleeping in."

Ash gulped down the piece of bacon in his mouth before replying. "Oh... Well umm, Pikachu actually shocked me awake. I kind of rolled over him when I was sleeping and he used Thunderbolt on me..."

"Hahaha, t-that's quite a wake up, Ash," Caroline could not hold back the giggles after hearing Ash. She glanced at Pikachu, who also seemed embarrassed. "I was wondering what that sound was. I heard an unpleasant sound earlier this morning, but I just assumed that it was Norman performing his 'intense' training again."

Ash stood up from his seat and placed his seat in the sink. Puzzled by the fact that he ate so little, Caroline watched the boy sit back down and slip into a deep thought.

"Is something wrong, honey? You only had one serving today. Are you feeling sick?"

"Huh? No, I'm fine Caroline," Ash reassured the woman he considered his second mother. "I'm just trying to think about what May, Dawn, and I are going to do after the match tomorrow. I still have no clue what we should do, but I want to make sure its something that May will definitely love."

Caroline smiled as she watched the trainer. 'Thank goodness May found Ash. He's so sweet to her – not like that weird Branden guy from LittleRoot Town."

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