Ch 45 Ash Vs Brendan

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"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"

"Mighteyna use Shadow Ball"

Two cries of 'Pikachuuu!' and Raaah' followed as a large lightening bolt and a ball made of dark energy clashed, creating a small explosion.

On one side was a young man black haired trainer . With his signature hat on everyone regconized Ash Ketchum. On the field was his trusty friend and Pokémon, Pikachu. On the other end was Brenden Birch. Brenden was slightly taller then Ash with brown hair kept under a white cap. His Pokémon was his Mighteyna. alarge wolf-like Pokémon that was from the Hoene Region.

The Two Pokémon were extremely tired having been fighting for a good ten minutes. Pikachu's tiny body looked as if it wanted to fall over and Mighteyna looked as if collapse at any second. But both Pokémon didn't want to let their trainers down and continued fighting.

"Pikachu get in close with Quick Attack!" Ash commanded and Pikachu took off at a sprint, charging straight at the dark type.

"Mighteyna counter with Headbutt!" The Dark type lowered his head and met the electric rodent head, stopping him in his tracks." Now use Crunch!" Mighteyna's jaws lached onto Pikachu and the small rodent cried out in pain.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt now!" Ash cried desperately, worried for his friend and partner.

Pikachu heard the command and lit up like lightbulb, sending bolts of electricity directly into his foe. Mighteyna had to let go or face more electricity. The two Pokémon started to pant heavily. Brenden and Ash locked eyes fiercely.



"Volt Tackle/Last Resort!" Pikachu was covered in a golden electric aura as he clashed head on with Mighteyna who was covered in a greyish white aura. Neither one wanting to give in and fail their trainer it what could be one of the most important battles of their lives. The clash of energies ended abruptly with a explosion that covered the field with smoke.

"Pikachu/Mighteyna!" Both trainers cried as they tried to see through the smoke.

"Wow, these two are giving it their all!" Serena said as she held her Pikachu in her lap. Paul, Gary,Alain and Brock all nodded as they sat next to her. This was the third Round of the Hoenn League. It was expected that both trainers and their Pokémon would give it their all.

Alain himself was convinced that Ash had to be one of the best trainers he had ever seen. He had started the battle Breloom vs Greninja and still won the battle even with a type disadvantage. Next came Brenden's Peliper which used Supersonic and confused Greninja, so Ash returned his frog Pokémon. To battle Peliper, he sent out a Pokémon that had confused everyone. He had sent out Noctowl of all Pokémon. Alain himself would have sent out Pikachu, but now thinking about, Brenden probably had a way to counter Electric types. That battle had ended with a double knockout. The next Pokémon they sent out had been Castform vs Gible with Gible being defeated by a combination of Hail and Weather Ball. Brenden's tough little weather Pokémon was finally brought down by Hawklucha and his Flying Press. Hawklucha was quickly defeated by Brenden and his Milotic who's Aqua Tail crushed the flying type. Pikachu was sent out next and electrocuted the beautiful water type with a Electro Ball-Iron Tail combo. The next Pokémon Brenden sent out had been his Mighteyna. Ash wanting to save Pikachu for later recalled him and brought out Greninja, but his faithful water type was brought down by a Thunder Fang. Ash then brought out Pikachu. The battle between the dark wolf and electric mouse was quickly becoming one the most intense matches he had ever seen. Not a Groundon vs Kyogre death defying match but still intense none the less.

"I can't see a thing!" Serena cried as she tried to peer into the battle. She was worried for Pikachu. The little guy had battled Milotic then Mighteyna. He had to be exhausted.

"Well the smoke is finally clearing." Paul said as the battlefield became visible again. Everyone on the edge of their seats wanting to know which Pokémon had been knocked out.

"Oh know!" Serena, Brock and Gary cried as the field became fully visible.

"Both Pikachu and Mighteyna are unable to battle. This round is a draw!" The referee decreed as Ash ran to the field to get his best friend. The electric mouse laid out on his stomach, to exhausted to move.

"You did great buddy. Now it's time for our secret weapon to finish this." Ash told his starter. The mouse nodded weakly and let loose a tired 'chaa.' and quietly laid down next to his trainer. Ash looked over at Brenden. He already recalled his Pokémon and Ash already had a feeling what his last Pokémon was.

He had met Brenden before the tournament started. He was a friendly trainer and had quickly became one of Ash's rivals. He was also one of the toughest opponents he had ever faced.

"Alright Ash." Brenden yelled almost excitedly, "You ready."

Ash was also feeling excited and answered with "You bet Brenden, let's go!"

"Alright then lets go Swampert!" Out came Brenden's faithful starter Pokémon, the large Water/Ground type roared ready for battle.

"In that case, Charizard I choose you." Out of the Pokeball came out want was arguably Ash's strongest Pokémon. At almost 7 feet tall, he was a very intimadating sight to people. Charizard gave out want had to be one of the loudest roars Ash had ever heard. It echoed throughout the stadium and he could see Brenden step back a little.

Some might wonder why he chose Charizard instead of say Sceptile or Torterra. Well the answer was simple. Ash had seen Brenden's Swampert in action before and knew for a fact that the mudfish Pokémon knew Ice attacks. Their was another thing that scared Ash. This Swampert could Mega-Evolve. The already strong Pokémon had defeated three of a opponents Pokémon in a 3 on 3 Pokémon. He went from a challenge to terrifying very quickly. Luckily Ash had a answer for this.

"Charizard vs Swampert! Let the final round begin!" The ref cried. Ash smirked ready for battle. "What since when Ash get a Charizard!"Serena asking Brock.

"I didn't know Ash had a Charizard." Alain said surprised. The Fire dragon looked just as strong as his, if not even stronger. It was a mighty creature that looked as if it could challenge the Legends themselves.

"Ash mentioned it once, but I've never seen him used in battle."Paul answered in awe. Ash had called Prof. Oak to get many of his Pokémon to help in the tournament. He had seen the powerful Fire-type Infernape and quick Grass-type Sceptile and the sleepy but powerful Snorlax. But none of them quite measured up with Charizard.

"This battle is turning into a battle of monsters!" Serena cried as she was on the edge of her seat. This battle was showing her that she had a lot to learn as a trainer.

"Ash." Serena whispered softly as she watched her crush battle his rival.

'Swampert use  Hydro pump!"Brenden commanded his Pokémon.

"Counter with your Flamethrower!" Ash returned. The two starters let loose a jet of water and a blast of fire respectively. The two attacks collided and ended in a stalemate.

"Charizard take to the skies!" Ash needed to get some distance from the Water/Ground Type.

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