Ch 6 Dawn Feelings

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Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh Region

Twinleaf Town was small and peaceful, very much like that of both Littleroot and Pallet Town. Many of the residents would enjoy the warm afternoon air that seemed ever present in this little town on their porches. It was always so peacefully quiet here and that was something that people loved about it.

However today, nobody was out on their porches. Nobody was enjoying the afternoon sun. Instead, all were inside, no one daring to miss what some were calling 'the battle of a lifetime' because of the rivalry the two competitors shared. Two elite level trainers battling it out was something that everyone, everywhere could enjoy.

To say that Twinleaf Town was peaceful and quite on this day would be a blatant lie solely because of one resident's house in particular.

"Come on Ash, I know you can do it! Keep it up! I know you'll win!" These were the shouts of a particularly bubbly and happy blunette by the name of Dawn Berlitz as she watched the match upstairs in her bedroom. Her friends were running late, so she'd opted to watch the battle in her room until they arrived.

Johanna, Dawn's mother who was stationed in the family room, also watching Ash's match, sweat dropped at her daughter's over the top enthusiasm. Kenny and Leona, Dawn's childhood friends, had just arrived as Dawn continued cheering loudly in the early stages of Ash's battle.

Johanna let Dawn's friends in the house and called to her, "Dawn, your friends are here. Now come down here so we can all watch Ash's battle together.

Johanna knew that Ash and Dawn were best friends who always supported each other, but when Dawn came down the stairs, to say that she was surprised would be an understatement.

Dawn shyly walked down the stairs of her house wearing a larger, but...skimpier version of the cheerleading outfit she'd worn for Ash's gym battles back in Sinnoh. Johanna's jaw hit the floor when she saw her daughter in a less than prude cheerleader outfit. However she soon recovered and smiled at her daughter, knowing that she was doing this just to support the person she cared about more than anyone, her best friend... even though he couldn't see her.

Kenny's jaw dropped as well, but for a different reason. He quite literally couldn't take his eyes off of her. His less than subtle crush on Dawn was even more apparent than usual as a bit of drool made its way out of his mouth while watching her descend the stairs.

Leona was the only one that didn't seem surprised by Dawn's outfit. With herself and Dawn being so close, she knew all about how Dawn had worn a cheerleading outfit to cheer for Ash's when he had a big battle. For her, this wasn't out of the ordinary in any way.

Buneary followed behind Dawn in a similar outfit, which earned a giggle from Johanna and Leona.

As Dawn approached her mother, Johanna turned her attention to her tentative looking daughter.

"H-Hey mom. Hey you guys." It was obvious just from the tone of her voice that Dawn was embarrassed about her mother seeing her dressed like a cheerleader in support of her closest friend. Johanna tried to stifle her laughter, but she just couldn't. Dawn looked at her mother with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

"MOM! I'm doing this to support my BESTfriend. He has a chance to win a pokemon league here!" Dawn exclaimed, red faced.

Kenny flinched a little as he was broken out of his stupor when Dawn began to speak. He thought of Dawn as his best friend and it hurt that it seemed she didn't think the same.

Johanna finally settled down after a good-hearted laugh at her daughter's embarrassment, "Oh honey, I know and may I say that you look absolutely beautiful in that outfit."

Johanna was right about that. Dawn had also matured quite a bit. She, like May, had turned into a beautiful young woman. Her cheerleading outfit showed off her toned midriff as well as her long legs. Her blue hair was a bit longer than it used to be and that amounted to Dawn caring for it even more so than in the past. Although Dawn's chest was not as big as May's, she was very happy with what she had. The real head turner in Dawn's case was her perfect, large rear. Years of training alongside her pokemon had left her in great shape. All in all, Dawn was absolutely gorgeous and no one could dispute that.

Dawn couldn't help but smile at her mother's kind words as she felt her nervousness begin to melt away. That is, until her mother spoke again.

"And I think that it is so sweet of you to dress up for your boyfriend's big match. I'm sure he would really love it if he could see you." Dawn's face reddened at her mother's words. Kenny's face also went red, but with anger.

Leona just giggled to herself, knowing that if the opportunity presented itself, Dawn would get together with Ash in a heartbeat, even if she would deny it.

"Mom! You know he's not...,my..." Dawn was too embarrassed to even finish her sentence.

"In that case, I would love to date him. From what I've seen and heard about him, he seems amazing." Leona said dreamily. Even though there was a hint of truth behind her teasing, she would never do such a thing because she knew that Dawn had feelings for Ash, even if she wouldn't admit it.

"You would not!" Dawn shot a glare at her friend, becoming very defensive over Ash for some reason. Seeing the shock on the faces of her company, she realized what she'd just said and done.

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